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assetsCreateSoftware not populating Version

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We are creating a Software Asset via the BPM Node assetsCreateSoftware node, but the Version field even though we have tried passing it as a hard code string and as a string variable will not populate the asset.  The string values match the version string populated in the Asset Management module for the Vendor and Product combination.

The node succeeds in creating the asset but the version value us not populatated.









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Thanks for the clarification. Will the node help text be updated to reflect this now?

As we are using this in a BPM and the version information is variable, the manual option is not applicable.

Therefore I suspect we will be raising an enhancement to have a 'data provider' option for retrieving a list of versions for a selected Vendor/Product combination to get the raw Version ID and the display h_version text value to capture the information for the workflow.



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