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Still experiencing performance and connectivity issue


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@Kelvin I can confirm the issue you experience is intermittent and caused by heavy resource usage. We made a few tweaks to alleviate (and hopefully eliminate the issue now) but there is still a chance the issue could occur in the next few hours. I'm afraid this is all we can do at this time as other measures would cause worse service degradation. We planned to deploy more infrastructure resources to your instance (and few others which are experiencing this performance issue) tonight when the impact on the service would be considerably less.

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we too are experiencing slowness,


we have noticed it quite a lot in pockets over the last few weeks/month - we initially put it down to some new web filtering software we had implemented, but its the same symptoms as what we are experiencing now,  and before when we were experiencing issues we checked the hornbill service checker it was indicating there were no issues your end, but its saying the same thing now and yesterday (that all is good), so I am questioning its reliability...



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@Gary@ADL the health checker will not tell you if the system is slow I'm afraid (something we might want to review perhaps). we would need to investigate the performance issues when they occur, do you have any more specific examples of the performance issue? Any specific parts of the application? Any specific time of the day? I am trying to see if there are any patterns here which can help us identify any possible root cause...

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On ‎15‎/‎11‎/‎2017 at 3:19 PM, Victor said:

@Gary@ADL the health checker will not tell you if the system is slow I'm afraid (something we might want to review perhaps). we would need to investigate the performance issues when they occur, do you have any more specific examples of the performance issue? Any specific parts of the application? Any specific time of the day? I am trying to see if there are any patterns here which can help us identify any possible root cause...

Hi Victor we see the below - asin the spinning hornbill logo with the loading 'message' usually when opening a ticket, or opening up our queue (service manager), usually in the afternoons (I want to say around 2pmish),


I will try and put together some timelines if we keep getting occurrences of it,






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