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Everything posted by carlt

  1. Hi I'm following the Webhooks guide in the wiki (using requestb.in) but the Service Manager events aren't making it into my RequestBin. I've tried the Incidents Created and Updated events. Looking at EspServerService.log the issue seems to be SSL related - 'Failed to read beginning of SSL/TLS record'. Is this a Service Manager issue? 877103 13 Jul 2017 3:37 PM error general 2876 post_http_request: ChilkatLog: SynchronousRequest: DllDate: Mar 11 2016 ChilkatVersion: UnlockPrefix: HORNBLHttp Username: LIVENODE4:SYSTEM Architecture: Little Endian; 64-bit Language: Visual C++ 12.0 / x64 VerboseLogging: 0 domain: requestb.in port: 443 ssl: 1 httpRequest: httpVersion: 1.1 verb: POST path: /12ei3g01 contentType: text/xml; charset=utf-8; charset=utf-8 charset: utf-8 sendCharset: 0 mimeHeader: --httpRequest fullRequest: a_synchronousRequest: generateRequestHeader: httpRequestGenStartLine: genStartLine: startLine: POST /12ei3g01 HTTP/1.1 --genStartLine --httpRequestGenStartLine addCookies: Not auto-adding cookies. sendCookies: 1 cookieDir: --addCookies --generateRequestHeader fullHttpRequest: domain: requestb.in port: 443 ssl: 1 openHttpConnection: Opening connection directly to HTTP server. httpHostname: requestb.in httpPort: 443 ssl: 1 socket2Connect: connect2: connectImplicitSsl: clientHandshake: clientHandshake2: readHandshakeMessages: Failed to read beginning of SSL/TLS record. --readHandshakeMessages --clientHandshake2 --clientHandshake Client handshake failed. (3) --connectImplicitSsl ConnectFailReason: 103 --connect2 --socket2Connect connect: Socket connection closed. --openHttpConnection --fullHttpRequest success: 0 --a_synchronousRequest success: 0 --fullRequest totalTime: Elapsed time: 15 millisec Failed. --SynchronousRequest --ChilkatLog
  2. Thanks @Victor The objectRefUrn threw me but after another look getEntityTasks is the one. Thanks Carl
  3. Hi I've had a look through the API documentation but can't seem to find anything... Is there an API operation (or query for queryExec) that will return details of all tasks/activities associated with a given request? Thanks Carl
  4. OK thanks @Gerry An 'Infinitely better solution' sounds interesting. I look forward to the announcement. Thanks Carl
  5. @Gerry Looks like a great feature. I've enabled experimental.feature.bpm.webcalls in advance settings but I'm not getting 'Web Call' as a node option in BPM. Is this feature still available? Thanks Carl
  6. Thanks @Victor the resultType allData option does indeed return the rest of the data we're after. Thanks for your help
  7. @Victor I did have a look at setting the meta parameters to true but it just gave some further detail about the one column (h_count) returned i.e.: <userMetaData><title>getRequestQuestions</title></userMetaData> <metaData><columns><column name="h_count" type="BIGINT" nullable="false"></column></columns></metadata> FYI i'm using the Hornbill .Net library but if I use xmlmc.GetInvokeXML("data", "queryExec") I get the exact same API call XML configuration as in your last post.
  8. Thanks for that Victor/Chaz However, It only appears to be returning a count of the rows (h_count) not the actual questions/answers. Does getRequestQuestions just return a count? Is there another query that will return the question/answers or what are we doing wrong? Thanks Carl
  9. Thanks Chaz I'm invoking with xmlmc.Invoke("apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests", "getReqQuestions") I assume the location of the script is hardwired into the API? Can you specify the location somehow? If getReqQuestions should only be used by a Business Process, is there another call that can return the progressive capture answers? Thanks Carl
  10. Hi We're having issues with the getReqQuestions API method call. We're passing the 3 required parameters (in the correct order) bpmId, requestId and formId but the response is 'Failed to load FlowCode script'. The logs also show: Failed to load the script for operation '\\?\D:\Hornbill\ESP Server\instances\lbdigitalservices\apps\com.hornbill.core\entities\Requests\fc_ops\getReqQuestions.xml' Is there a problem with this API call? What we are trying to do is pull the progressive capture answers for a given a request and getReqQuestions seemed to be the most appropriate call. Is there another method we could use? Thanks Carl
  11. Hi Lyonel The archived users don't use up a licence on the user screen but are seemingly not being kept in sync with the Service Manager subscriptions (I'd have thought they should be). The only way we have found to get around it is by going to 'Admin > Service Manager > Application Subscriptions' and manually add/remove users there to keep in sync with the user screen. Regards Carl
  12. Hi The call details box in the live portal is not expanding in Internet Explorer – works in Chrome/Firefox
  13. We were previously setting call priorities based on the answer to a Progressive Capture question but due to customers often selecting the wrong priority and the fact that Service Manager doesn't update the resolution timer if the priority is subsequently changed...we have changed this so that it is now our analysts that set the priority, with a Suspend on Priority in the BPM. However, it seems that you are able to resolve a call without the priority being set - is there a way of preventing this? Thanks
  14. I'm in the process of testing Auto Provisioning, which I've got working but have hit an issue that will prevent us from using it. The problem being that there doesn't seem to be a way to automatically subscribe users to a service. The one field that I can see in the User Template that we could potentially use for this is 'Site' - but that isn't one of the service subscription options. The Subscriber options being Company, Department, Team, General, User, Contact, Organisation and All Contacts Is there currently a method to automatically assign a Company or Department via Auto Provisioning? If not, could Site be added as a Subscriber option? Thanks Carl
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