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Daniel Dekel

Hornbill Developer
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Posts posted by Daniel Dekel

  1. Hi @m.vandun,

    Trying to replicate the scrolling issue you had. I was finally able to replicate it. It occurs when you are in a 110% browser zoom or 120%. If you use an odd zoom number like 125% it will work fine (weird). I'll have a look at this.

    Can you please confirm this is the problem? If it is, for now you can use 100% zoom.



  2. Hi @Alex8000,

    The problem appears to be coming from the Chat App, that was a defect and was released so you can go and update the app right now.

    The app is generating extra notifications and is not possible to view them but even by updating the app the notifications that are already there will not be removed.

    I will be speaking with our support team to remove the extra notifications that are already there. Either me or support will contact you about this.

    Thanks and sorry for this issue.


  3. Hi @Alex8000,

    Happy new year to you too! Hope you had a great time.

    Making a query for this table is quite complicated because there are many joins you have to do to make some cense out of the data.

    Do you know if these notifications are mentions or normal comments? I'm investigating this now, but there can be a defect if someone mentions you in a workspace you are not a member of and in that case you will not see it in the workspace specific counters. Can this be the case?



  4. Hi @Alex8000

    From the issues I've seen in the past, there are several cases that can affect the synchronisation in the counters.

    1. If you have more that one browser or tab or even the mobile app opened and the same time, one can mark as read the messages without noticing.

    2. People can also delete a comment they've just posted and you will only see the notification, but nothing on the actual workspace.

    What browser are you using?



  5. Hi @Martyn Houghton,

    This is the way it used to work at the beginning actually. Assigning an organisation would share also with the children of it like teams. The issue was that this is not the way it works in all the rest of the places like Service Manager or Activities and that was confusing people.

    I will have a chat about this with the other teams after new year and see what can we do.

    Changing owner, yes, it makes sense. I'll add this to the list.



  6. @Martyn Houghton, multi level folders is something we are trying to move away from. In our plans for next year, we want to start working on a smarter way of classifying emails. I can't give details yet but I think it will be very useful.

    I'll make sure the folders list is ordered alphabetically.



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