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Darren Rose

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Posts posted by Darren Rose

  1. Could the ability to copy, or 'save as', an exisiting project template be made available as a feature? this would be really handy where we have similar default tasks that are used, and they don't have to be recreated for each new template



  2. Hi

    In a project template, I added a stakeholder and gave them the role of the PM. I hoped this would assign them as the PM when the Project was created via the integration call from Service Manager using the Project Template. However, it didn't and I was still the PM because I created the project. 

    Is that by design or is that something that could be looked into? 


  3. Morning

    Me again :) Noticed a couple of things this mornig

    I have created a project template that includes a number of tasks. Some of those tasks have a dependent task, some do not. 

    When I create a project using the template, only those tasks without a dependant task are created. 

    Even when completing the tasks, the other task is not created. 

    I know you said that there were some issues with dependencies not working, but should't it have created all the tasks? 

    Hope that makes sense


  4. Hi,

    So as part of our testing, something that would be useful as part of the ibridge integration would be the ability to set the PM as part of it. 

    When using a template (which has a lot of tasks) as part of the ibridge, the tasks are associated to the person that creates the project, which may or may not be the right PM. This means we have 20 tasks that all have the wrong owner and we have to change them. Bit of a pain.

    Is this something that could be looked into as a feature?


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  5. Morning

    Just a minor thing. If I add an actual start date on the project, but leave the actual end date blank, upon saving it adds todays date as the actual end date... Shouldn't actual end date be left blank until the project actually ends? 

    I can go in and edit the actual end date, and it will save blank, but I think the default setting should be blank


  6. On 1/31/2018 at 11:18 AM, alextumber said:

    Hi @Darren Rose,

    There is a bug that we are aware of around the creation of project tasks and the overall project dates. Basically the logic is not quite right. This has already been fixed and will be available in the next update (available by the end of this week).



    Hi Alex,

    I didn't see the update get released at the end of last week, or did I miss it? 



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