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Everything posted by QEHNick

  1. Does anyone know why I would suddenly start getting this error message in my BPM?
  2. Here' s a cosmetic change required. Hovering over a link in the new menu results in (quite normally) the URL appearing at the bottom of the window. This obscures any element at the bottom of that window. it took me ages to find Auto Values because of this
  3. Hang on - I've just discovered that these items are duplicated in the Service Manager section. It appears that it needs a little tidying up is all.
  4. I note a banner now appears saying the old admin tool will be discontinued on the 28th April. As there are still a number of issues with the new interface, are there guarantees that the new tool will be fit for purpose? The problematic items I have discovered so far are Reporting and Advanced Analytics (all content). None of the content showing in the old tool is available in the new tool.
  5. Ignore that, it's a red herring as this was a left-over from editing it.
  6. I've had a search around but can't seem to find this. Is there a way to reset the count of FAQ views for specific FAQs? I'm not looking forward to having to delete it and recreate it..I'm lazy so sue me..so I thought I'd ask this first.
  7. Here you go. { "APIKey": "KEYHERE", "InstanceId": "INSTANCEHERE", "Version":"", "LogSizeBytes": 1000000, "SQLConf": { "Driver": "mssql", "Server": "SERVERHERE, "Database": "DBHERE", "Authentication": "SQL", "UserName": "", "Password": "", "Port": 1433, "Encrypt": true, "Query": "SELECT at.AssetType AS AssetTypeID, at.AssetTypename AS AssetTypeName, a.AssetID, a.AssetUnique, a.Domain, a.Username AS ADUserID, a.FQDN, a.IPAddress, a.SiteID, CASE WHEN at.AssetTypename = 'Windows' THEN os.Caption WHEN at.AssetTypename = 'Apple Mac' THEN mos.SystemVersion END AS OperatingSystem, a.SP, convert(varchar, a.Firstseen, 20) as FirstSeen, a.Description, a.AssetName, a.Mac, a.Uptime, a.Memory, a.NrProcessors, a.Processor, convert(varchar, a.LastChanged, 20) as LastChanged, os.Caption, os.ProductType, convert(varchar, ac.PurchaseDate, 20) as PurchaseDate, convert(varchar, ac.Warrantydate, 20) as Warrantydate, ac.Manufacturer, ac.Model, ac.Serialnumber, u.Displayname AS ADUserName FROM dbo.tblAssets AS a LEFT JOIN dbo.tsysAssetTypes at ON a.Assettype = at.AssetType LEFT JOIN dbo.tblOperatingsystem os ON a.AssetID = os.AssetID LEFT JOIN dbo.tblMacOSInfo mos ON a.AssetID = mos.AssetID LEFT JOIN dbo.tblAssetCustom ac ON a.AssetID = ac.AssetID LEFT JOIN lansweeperdb.dbo.tblADusers u ON a.Username = u.Username" }, "AssetTypes": [{ "AssetType": "Laptop", "OperationType": "Both", "PreserveShared": false, "PreserveState": false, "PreserveSubState": false, "PreserveOperationalState": false, "Query": "WHERE at.AssetTypename = 'Windows' AND os.ProductType = 1", "AssetIdentifier": { "DBColumn": "AssetName", "Entity": "Asset", "EntityColumn": "h_name", "DBContractColumn": "", "DBSupplierColumn": "" } }, { "AssetType": "Desktop", "OperationType": "Both", "PreserveShared": false, "PreserveState": false, "PreserveSubState": false, "PreserveOperationalState": false, "Query": "WHERE at.AssetTypename = 'Windows' AND os.ProductType = 1", "AssetIdentifier": { "DBColumn": "AssetName", "Entity": "Asset", "EntityColumn": "h_name" } }, { "AssetType": "Server", "OperationType": "Both", "PreserveShared": false, "PreserveState": false, "PreserveSubState": false, "PreserveOperationalState": false, "Query": "WHERE os.ProductType IN (2, 3)", "AssetIdentifier": { "DBColumn": "AssetName", "Entity": "Asset", "EntityColumn": "h_name" } } ], "AssetGenericFieldMapping": { "h_name": "{{.AssetName}}", "h_site": "=", "h_asset_tag": "{{.AssetName}}", "h_acq_method": "", "h_actual_retired_date": "", "h_beneficiary": "", "h_building": "", "h_company_name": "", "h_cost": "", "h_cost_center": "", "h_country": "", "h_created_date": "{{.Firstseen}}", "h_deprec_method": "", "h_deprec_start": "", "h_description": "{{.Description}}", "h_disposal_price": "", "h_disposal_reason": "", "h_floor": "", "h_geo_location": "", "h_invoice_number": "", "h_location": "", "h_location_type": "", "h_maintenance_cost": "", "h_maintenance_ref": "", "h_notes": "{{.ADUserID}}", "h_operational_state": "", "h_order_date": "", "h_order_number": "", "h_owned_by": "{{.ADUserID}}", "h_owned_by_name": "{{.ADUserName}}", "h_product_id": "", "h_received_date": "", "h_residual_value": "", "h_room": "", "h_scheduled_retire_date": "", "h_supplier_id": "", "h_supported_by": "", "h_used_by": "{{.ADUserID}}", "h_used_by_name": "{{.ADUserName}}", "h_version": "", "h_warranty_expires": "{{.Warrantydate}}", "h_warranty_start": "{{.PurchaseDate}}" }, "AssetTypeFieldMapping": { "h_name": "{{.AssetName}}", "h_mac_address": "{{.Mac}}", "h_net_ip_address": "{{.IPAddress}}", "h_net_computer_name": "{{.FQDN}}", "h_net_win_domain": "{{.Domain}}", "h_model": "{{.Model}}", "h_manufacturer": "{{.Manufacturer}}", "h_cpu_info": "{{.Processor}}", "h_description": "{{.Description}}", "h_last_logged_on": "", "h_last_logged_on_user": "", "h_memory_info": "{{.Memory}}", "h_net_win_dom_role": "", "h_optical_drive": "", "h_os_description": "{{.OperatingSystem}}", "h_os_registered_to": "", "h_os_serial_number": "", "h_os_service_pack": "{{.ServicePackVersion}}", "h_os_type": "", "h_os_version": "{{.OSCode}}", "h_physical_disk_size": "", "h_serial_number": "{{.Serialnumber}}", "h_cpu_clock_speed": "", "h_physical_cpus": "{{.NrProcessors}}", "h_logical_cpus": "", "h_bios_name": "", "h_bios_manufacturer": "", "h_bios_serial_number": "", "h_bios_release_date": "", "h_bios_version": "", "h_max_memory_capacity": "", "h_number_memory_slots": "", "h_net_name": "{{.FQDN}}", "h_subnet_mask": "" } }
  8. I'd like to add, since inserting an image into the bulletin is tricky to achieve a decent looking output, I have been using this method to be able to control the image better. [[File:https://lon-p01-api.hornbill.com/Instancename/dav/share/img/inline/ImageLink|left]] The downside to this is that it actually consumes available characters - but these are not displayed! Kind of wonky don't you think?
  9. I've reverted to the old version which has exactly the same WHERE statements, and it works. It's not the statements.
  10. Has anyone else used this tool successfully with Lansweeper? Can you share your script at all so I can work out what is wrong with ours? Cheers.
  11. Thanks for pointing that out, that's on the "out of the box" script as well so HB may need to correct that; changing it didn't help I'm afraid. [DATABASE] Running database query for Laptop assets. Please wait... [ERROR] [DATABASE] Database Query Error: mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'. [DATABASE] Running database query for Desktop assets. Please wait... [ERROR] [DATABASE] Database Query Error: mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'. [DATABASE] Running database query for Server assets. Please wait... [ERROR] [DATABASE] Database Query Error: mssql: Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'.
  12. We're using the latest DBAsset Import tool (the one which allows use of storing credentials in KeySafe). The out of the box JSON file for Lansweeper (taken from the new version) has been modified to include our instance ID and the keysafe number all that required stuff. On executing (Dryrun), the process fails with the error "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'WHERE'." for each and every WHERE statement. These statements are the same as the previous version (which worked fine), in fact, all of the out of the box statements are the same. I include the file here (redacted) for evidentiary purposes (it won't allow me to attach it, so..big splurge of text coming up at the end). Any suggestions would be welcome. Thank you! { "APIKey": "OUR API KEY HERE", "InstanceId": "OUR INSTANCE ID HERE", "KeysafeKeyID": KEYSAFE ID HERE, "LogSizeBytes": 1000000, "HornbillUserIDColumn": "h_user_id", "SourceConfig": { "Source": "mssql", "Database": { "Authentication": "SQL", "Encrypt": false, "Query": "SELECT at.AssetType AS AssetTypeID, at.AssetTypename AS AssetTypeName, a.AssetID, a.AssetUnique, a.Domain, a.Username AS ADUserID, a.FQDN, a.IPAddress, a.SiteID, CASE WHEN at.AssetTypename = 'Windows' THEN os.Caption WHEN at.AssetTypename = 'Apple Mac' THEN mos.SystemVersion END AS OperatingSystem, a.SP, convert(varchar, a.Firstseen, 20) as FirstSeen, a.Description, a.AssetName, a.Mac, a.Uptime, a.Memory, a.NrProcessors, a.Processor, convert(varchar, a.LastChanged, 20) as LastChanged, os.Caption, os.ProductType, convert(varchar, ac.PurchaseDate, 20) as PurchaseDate, convert(varchar, ac.Warrantydate, 20) as Warrantydate, ac.Manufacturer, ac.Model, ac.Serialnumber, u.Displayname AS ADUserName FROM dbo.tblAssets AS a LEFT JOIN dbo.tsysAssetTypes at ON a.Assettype = at.AssetType LEFT JOIN dbo.tblOperatingsystem os ON a.AssetID = os.AssetID LEFT JOIN dbo.tblMacOSInfo mos ON a.AssetID = mos.AssetID LEFT JOIN dbo.tblAssetCustom ac ON a.AssetID = ac.AssetID LEFT JOIN lansweeperdb.dbo.tblADusers u ON a.Username = u.Username" } }, "AssetTypes": [{ "AssetType": "Laptop", "OperationType": "Both", "Query": "WHERE at.AssetTypename = 'Windows' AND os.ProductType = 1", "AssetIdentifier": { "SourceColumn": "AssetName", "Entity": "Asset", "EntityColumn": "h_name", "SourceContractColumn": "", "SourceSupplierColumn": "" } }, { "AssetType": "Desktop", "OperationType": "Both", "Query": "WHERE (at.AssetTypename = 'Windows' AND os.ProductType = 1", "AssetIdentifier": { "SourceColumn": "AssetName", "Entity": "Asset", "EntityColumn": "h_name" } }, { "AssetType": "Server", "OperationType": "Both", "Query": "WHERE os.ProductType IN (2, 3)", "AssetIdentifier": { "SourceColumn": "AssetName", "Entity": "Asset", "EntityColumn": "h_name" } } ], "AssetGenericFieldMapping": { "h_name": "{{.AssetName}}", "h_asset_tag": "{{.AssetName}}", "h_created_date": "{{.Firstseen}}", "h_description": "{{.Description}}", "h_owned_by": "{{.ADUserID}}", "h_owned_by_name": "{{.ADUserName}}", "h_used_by": "{{.ADUserID}}", "h_used_by_name": "{{.ADUserName}}", "h_warranty_expires": "{{.Warrantydate}}", "h_warranty_start": "{{.PurchaseDate}}" }, "AssetTypeFieldMapping": { "h_name": "{{.AssetName}}", "h_mac_address": "{{.Mac}}", "h_net_ip_address": "{{.IPAddress}}", "h_net_computer_name": "{{.FQDN}}", "h_net_win_domain": "{{.Domain}}", "h_model": "{{.Model}}", "h_manufacturer": "{{.Manufacturer}}", "h_cpu_info": "{{.Processor}}", "h_description": "{{.Description}}", "h_memory_info": "{{.Memory}}", "h_os_description": "{{.OperatingSystem}}", "h_os_service_pack": "{{.ServicePackVersion}}", "h_os_version": "{{.OSCode}}", "h_serial_number": "{{.Serialnumber}}", "h_physical_cpus": "{{.NrProcessors}}", "h_net_name": "{{.FQDN}}" } }
  13. I rejigged everything in it. I have no idea which change fixed it, but it did.
  14. I figured it out; let this be a lesson to all. Don't re-use nodes without checking their function. Just because it says something on on, doesn't mean it's doing what you think it's doing.
  15. Also it will not transfer the TEAM or the PRIORITY The DESCRIPTION does transfer.
  16. When raising a new request from an incident call using the "Log New Service Request" task, the summary refuses to appear in the raised request. I've tried overwriting, not overwriting, updating it manually (as shown below), but nothing will make it appear in the new raised request. Am I missing something?
  17. I don't know where to put this, so I'll stick it here. Can HB please create a privilege type (which does not require a license) to view slideshows and Dashboards please, or someway of getting this information "out there". It's a great piece of PR, which no one outside of the team will ever see. I'd like to publish this sort of information to the business so they can see just how little coffee we actually get time to drink. Thank you.
  18. Oh - it's not that type of Suggestions forum.... I'll get my hat.
  19. I don't know if this will help... {"id":"stage-58006a87","displayName":"Pending Repair","translatedDisplayName":[{"text":"Pending Repair","language":"en-GB"}],"translatedDescription":[{"language":"en-GB"}],"stageMetaData":"{\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Pending Repair\",\"description\":\"\"}},\"errorMessage\":\"\",\"groups\":[]}","checklist":{"item":[{"id":"f9ee7a6d-bd30-4a1b-cfdc-d46f47bcccf3","required":true,"displayName":"Repair Underway.","translatedDisplayName":[{"text":"Repair Underway.","language":"en-GB"}],"translatedDescription":[],"itemMetaData":"{\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Repair Underway.\"}}}"},{"id":"1dd847cc-f8da-45fd-215f-a626647d4f96","required":true,"displayName":"Repair completed.","translatedDisplayName":[{"text":"Repair completed.","language":"en-GB"}],"translatedDescription":[],"itemMetaData":"{\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Repair completed.\"}}}"},{"id":"0a0bb010-d22b-485b-7932-670b1419cff8","required":false,"displayName":"Awaiting Collection by Customer.","translatedDisplayName":[{"text":"Awaiting Collection by Customer.","language":"en-GB"}],"translatedDescription":[],"itemMetaData":"{\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Awaiting Collection by Customer.\"}}}"},{"id":"6f103002-de24-42da-9d18-4393bba42717","required":false,"displayName":"Item with Customer.","translatedDisplayName":[{"text":"Item with Customer.","language":"en-GB"}],"translatedDescription":[],"itemMetaData":"{\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Item with Customer.\"}}}"},{"id":"dd79240d-f0f3-419f-4425-2f3151d8f5b3","required":true,"displayName":"Incident Closed.","translatedDisplayName":[{"text":"Incident Closed.","language":"en-GB"}],"translatedDescription":[],"itemMetaData":"{\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Incident Closed.\"}}}"}]},"flow":{"node":[{"id":"start-800dd8fa","displayName":"Start","nodeMetaData":"{\"pos\":{\"top\":20,\"left\":20},\"dataTranslations\":{},\"statusComplete\":true,\"statusMessage\":\"\",\"referenceError\":false}","checkpoint":[],"start":{"goto":"flowcode-86b6cbe1"}},{"id":"task-25e3d194","displayName":"Complete repair","nodeMetaData":"{\"statusComplete\":true,\"pos\":{\"left\":490,\"top\":10},\"dataTranslations\":{\"en-GB\":{\"displayName\":\"Complete repair\"}},\"hasTaskChecklist\":false,\"statusMessage\":\"\",\"expireParts\":{\"D\":\"\",\"H\":\"\",\"M\":\"\"},\"startParts\":{\"D\":\"\",\"H\":\"\",\"M\":\"\"},\"dueParts\":{\"D\":\"\",\"H\":\"\",\"M\":\"\"},\"assigneeDisplayName\":\"Second Line Support\",\"referenceError\":false,\"ownerDisplayName\":\"\"}","checkpoint":[],"task":{"assignee":"#QueenElizabethHospitalNHSFoundationTrust/SecondLineSupport/","outcome":["Completed"],"enhancedOutcomes":[{"outcome":"Completed","displayName":[{"text":"Completed","language":"en-GB"}],"buttonColor":"success","requiresReason":false,"customFields":[{"id":"field_1","label":[{"text":"Summary of action taken to complete.","language":"en-gb"}],"placeholderText":[],"isSummary":false,"isMandatory":true,"isVisible":true,"isReadOnly":false,"showIfEmpty":false,"multiText":{"regexValidationFailMessage":[]},"propertyStateConditions":[]},{"id":"field_2","label":[{"text":"Is this repaired item for collection or delivery?","language":"en-GB"}],"placeholderText":[{"text":"If for collection, an email will be sent to the customer asking them to collect.","language":"en-gb"}],"isSummary":false,"isMandatory":true,"isVisible":true,"isReadOnly":false,"showIfEmpty":false,"multiCheckbox":{"defaultValue":[],"options":[{"id":"Collection","text":[{"text":"Collection","language":"en-GB"}]},{"id":"Delivery","text":[{"text":"Delivery","language":"en-GB"}]}]},"propertyStateConditions":[]}]}],"task":{"title":"Repair of &[global[\"flowcoderefs\"][\"getReqInformation\"][\"customFieldA\"]]","details":"Complete the repair of the &[global[\"flowcoderefs\"][\"getReqInformation\"][\"customFieldA\"]]. Once done, indicate here that it is complete.","options":{"timeSpent":false,"enforceProgressForCompletion":false,"hideReason":false,"enforceTimeSpentForCompletion":false},"priority":"normal","remindAssignee":false,"remindOwner":false,"reminder":"PT0S","timeSpent":0,"progress":0,"customFields":[],"extra":"{}"},"goto":"decision-248006f7"}},
  20. I've created a new sstage to my BPM, but I cannot publish it. It says that its missing a StageComplete node. I've got an end stage node in there, so it can't be that. What am I missing?
  21. Cheers Steve, i found an alternative solution.
  22. Terrific, that does answer my question, thank you.
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