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Query about email template variables - Co-Worker vs Contact


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I have created an email template, most variable work however I cant get it to pull over the Customers firstname and lastname

Subject: New call logged, Call Reference IN00000312.


Dear {{Customer Contact.H_firstname}} {{Customer Contact.H_lastname}},

Thank you for contacting the IT Support Helpdesk.

This message is a confirmation of your request taken on: 10:44:06 15-03-16 by: kesout

Request Type:- sefsef

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Hi Kelvin,

due to the differentiation between internal and external end users (Basic Users and Contacts) the customer of a request can either be a Co-Worker or a Contact. This means there is an additional consideration when it comes to configuring your email templates.

For Co Workers (Basic users and Full Application Users fall under this umbrella) I would use one of the following variables: {{Customer Coworker.H_name}} or {{Customer Coworker.H_first_name}}

For contacts I would utilise {{Customer Contact.H_firstname}} and {{Customer Contact.H_lastname}}

In an implementation where both customer types are encountered, we will shortly have available the use of ESP Expressions whereby we will be able to specify both Contact and Co-worker variables and surround them with an expression which will omit one or the other depending on whether a user-defined condition is met or not met. The use of an ESP expression will ensure the template is always well formed.

The alternative is to dispose of the line where you address the recipient. A message can still be friendly, polite, and professional without the need to address the individual personally.

Many Thanks,


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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Hi Daniel,

That has been useful above.

I was just wondering how we an check which "contacts" are categorised as external contacts, and which are categorised as co-workers? We have only recently been setting up contacts on Hornbill so I am wondering if this was specified in the admin part rather than the live site?

I've managed to change a template so that Customer co worker H name works but I want to check that this will work properly each time.



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You can log two test calls, one against a co-worker/user and one against a customer/contact and see how the sent email works.

Co-workers/users are configured in the Hornbill admin instance and contacts (i.e. customers from external organisations) are configured in live instance.

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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Thanks Victor.

I have logged some test calls, and from my external account (so a user I had created within the live instance), the email I received included my name. However, when I had logged a ticket as my normal account (co-worker) it removed my name. Do you know why this is and how to set this up correctly?

This is how it looks in the Template of the admin instance:




How it looks on email:


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I was actually testing/running a few scenarios around ESP conditions an found some issues there, including the one you experience. Platform dev is currently looking into this. I will update this post once we have more details.

So, for customer contact, was the variable resolved correctly but not for co-worker? So far I have only tested functionality around co-workers/users...

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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Yes Victor that is correct. When I close a ticket for a customer contact, it is displaying the First name. But when I close the ticket for the co-worker it just comes back blank where the name should be.



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Guest gregmarcroftorc

Hi Victor,

Not sure where I am supposed to be doing this?

Are you wanting me to add {{.H_customer_type}} as part of the email body for a ticket logged for a co-worker?


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