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I want to automatically put a request on hold until a date entered in a custom field.  I've configured the first attached node but it doesn't seem to work.  I thought it might be because Custom A isn't a date format field so I thought maybe I could update for example say Custom 21 (which is a date format field) with what is entered in Custom A but it still didn't work. Can anyone throw any light on what I need to do to get this working?







Does the variable output the same format as the node is looking for? 

I am assuming that the node wants the date time (22/05/2018 13:32)

Have you tried adding a time of say 09:00 after the variable? (&[global["flowcode"]["customFieldA]] 09:00)


Its actually not a date/time, just a date . And no, the formats are different so I know this is an issue but dont know how to get around it



Have you tried taking the answer straight from the PC rather than a custom field? 

What is the format the 'hold until' node is looking for? 

Edit: @SJEaton So having tested this, you need to set some text in the 'Reason' field on the node for this to work. 


OK it did move it on but it didn't actually put the request on hold.  We'll have a look at our configuration to see if its something we've done wrong.



Morning @Victor

Ok so I've now made Custom A, Custom 21 to make things easier.  Attached is a screenshot of the BPM section and the 'Put Request on Hold' and 'Suspend Until Start Date' auto tasks.  When tested, it's not putting the request on hold or suspending and carries on to issue the 'Email to Manager / Confirmation of New Starter Commencement' and 'Confirm Commencement of Employment' human task.  (The test request is SR00038940 if you want to take a look).

What am I doing wrong here?




  • 2 weeks later...

@SJEaton sorry for the delays on this. I had a look at SR00038940 and from what I can see the Custom 21 field has a value of "30/04/2018 23:00:00" (I guess because of the captured value of "01/05/2018 00:00:00" got converted from BST to GMT). However, the request was logged on "24/05/2018 07:29:05" and you are trying to put it on hold in a past date which is not possible. You can only put a request on hold at a future date. Can you please run another test and make sure the date/time value captured in Custom 21 field will be a future date/time and see what happens then with the automatic on-hold?


Hi Victor, thanks for this.  I ran another test (SR00040734) and it did indeed put it on hold :).  Yay!

Thanks for your help. I think I've just looked at this complex process for far too long and can't see the wood for the trees anymore haha!



Hi @Victor, in order to test that it comes off hold, should I be able to put today's date with a future time?  Otherwise we will need to wait at least a whole day for it to come off hold?


Just now, SJEaton said:

should I be able to put today's date with a future time?

Yes, as long as the date/time is in the future it should work... It can be a day, an hour, even a minute or second (if you can time it right :) ... meaning you would need to be fast!)

On 6/5/2018 at 9:57 AM, Victor said:

Yes, as long as the date/time is in the future it should work... It can be a day, an hour, even a minute or second (if you can time it right :) ... meaning you would need to be fast!)

I'm not doing this yet - but if I do, I'll be trying to achieve this; during testing at least ;)


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