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Peter Clough

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  1. There's also an option in the workflow to just completely lock down editing of details, under Access Control.
  2. Much appreciated.
  3. I believe I've seen this before for a team which has since been deleted. Presumably the backend config has a team ID still listed, but there's no longer a display name, so it shows the bare minimum.
  4. It's based on cookie policy on your machine, so most likely, your security settings are preventing cookies from being set by the Hornbill sites.
  5. Hello @James Ainsworth Do you know if this ever got considered for adding? Hope you have a good Christmas!
  6. You should be able to pick pretty much any of the others. If you look through them, it will show you what's being calculated against, something like a Critical Incident calendar will likely be 24/7. Though if you just calculate the SLA at 8 hours a day/40 hours a week (assuming traditional working hours), then it will still finish at the same time, assuming something isn't started out of hours. If you want to be certain, you can always create a new calendar specifically for that SLA.
  7. Can confirm, I encountered this with a view yesterday. Resolved On showed up blank, thought I had the wrong column for a moment.
  8. I believe you can only edit the freetext boxes in the questions, not any of the others, so it does depend on which fields you're looking to edit. I checked with a colleague who also couldn't see the option, even when they had the Full Access role briefly. I assume it sits under the Service Desk Admin role, though there is a specific application right for deleting questions.
  9. I would like to request a new function, to allow for effective global task ownership. At present, there is a function in Service Manager/Application/Service Desk, called Advanced Request Task Completer, allowing those with this role to complete any task, even if it is not assigned to them. It somewhat equates to being a global task assignee. However there is no equivalent for being treated as the owner. For example, sometimes tasks in our change process have to be re-assigned to a different team, and our change manager is effectively unable to do this. Because of how our change process is designed, they cannot be designated as the owner on every affected task, and we have effectively been finding workarounds to accomplish this, including using super user accounts. The function currently appears to be the sole preserve of the Super User Role, which is obviously not ideal to give out to active accounts. Please could we have a function that enables us to do this more efficiently.
  10. +1, this would be extremely helpful.
  11. Please could the Phone action be added to the list of available options to focus on when a workflow is suspended. Use case: We are considering having a notice added after 2 weeks waiting for resolution, to ask the analyst to call the customer. We have one node suspending pending resolution, which expires after 2 weeks. This runs directly into another identical node, though this is configured to not expire, and to ask the analyst to call the customer. We wish to have this focus on the Phone action to encourage this behaviour, however that is not an option in the dropdown when configuring the node.
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