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Jack Stanton

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Everything posted by Jack Stanton

  1. A requirement has been raised from an alternative business area to review our CMDB if and when required as Read-Only. Is there a permission set which may cover this? Many thanks.
  2. When looking to attach an e-mail to a call within service manager through the inbox>"...">"Apply to request" our call used to be automatically picked up from the e-mail subject and populated in the "Apply to Request" field. It would appear that this is no longer functioning as intended for us and whilst isn't vital was an appreciated feature to save us from searching through the customers listed requests. Has anybody else encountered a similar issue? My team have stated the issue was first noticed when they switched UI's and were hit with an error stating they didn't have the correct permissions but upon reloading the page this had somewhat fixed itself. Many thanks!
  3. Good Morning, Today our teams have started to notice that where an activity is assigned to a team through the BPM as a part of a change they cannot then go in to "edit" that activity and then reallocate it to another team within our organisation. This used to be the common functionality our teams would use where change related tasks change hands without the generation of additional tasks. This has happened previously and after some time appeared to start working once more but has since stopped functioning again. I can confirm nothing has changed in our instance regarding permissions that we have altered which would impact this. Please can you advise how we can get this functionality back since this is disrupting workflows. Many thanks. I've tried to attach an image but this doesn't seem to be working. When the user attempts to go to "Edit" on the top right of the activity they are usually presented by a series of options, one of which being "assign to" usually this allows for people to set to "team" and then choose the team they wish to reassign that activity to before hitting save. The team selection is however greyed out and now makes this impossible.
  4. Currently the following message appears when one of our users tries to check the history on one of our devices in the CMDB Error Uncaught EspDatabaseConnection:query. MySQL Error 1969: Query execution was interrupted (max_statement_time exceeded) After a few attempts of viewing the history however the situation seems to resolve itself and it can be viewed but it's apparently an issue that's been around for a little while. Has anyone else experienced this issue? Are there any known fixes we can look to implement? Many thanks all! Jack S
  5. Also having this issue, Previously ICT teams have been able to reassign activities to different ICT teams to manage the progress on calls. This issue was recently pointed out by one of our mobile comms teams when they couldn't reassign an activity to a different team (i.e.: mobile north to mobile south.)
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