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Posts posted by AndyGilly

  1. Hi @Ricky

    after some more digging i have found that the pre-req automation of setting the execution policy to ByPass to allow the configuration manager automation to work is not working

    although the automation returns a success the policy on the SIS server has not changed

    when I manually amend the execution policy the configuration manager process starts to work again

    Any thoughts on best way off troubleshooting the execution policy job??


  2. Without any known change in config of the SIS server where the 'add device to collection' process runs we have suddenly started to receive the following error when a service manager BPM asks for the add to device collection automation

    {{SISJobOutputParameterStart:errors}}Error trying to add Device to Collection: This command cannot be run from the current drive. To run this command you must first connect to a Configuration Manager drive.{{SISJobOutputParameterEnd}} 

    We have seen this before and it was fixed by using the edit execution policy to 'bypass' automation in front of the request to add the device to the collection

    We are struggling to find why this has happened

    any guidance would be much appreciated



  3. Morning,

    we are looking at automating some activities in our requests processes that are currently manual asset variables checks, EG is this device currently in warranty

    The current 'Get Asset' activity just returns the asset names not the variables like many of the other 'Get' functions

    Is there another way of referencing variables against assets in BPM's??


    appreciate any guidance



  4. HI @Graham

    this is the console output, nowhere near as much info as in the monitor

    Note: This output has been filtered for readability.
    The original PowerShell CLIXML output has been removed.

    Get AD Groups for Mover script started
    Setting variables...
    Running Script
    User = DZWOOD
    Group are:
    adding to querylist: OC-P2000
    adding to querylist: OC-HR-INDUCTION




  5. Hi @Ricky

    here you go, 



    {{SISJobOutputParameterStart:MoverADGroups}}OC-P2000 OC-HR-INDUCTION OC-C&R NA-PROCANDTRAIN NA-PEOPLE-SUNDAYTIMES NA-PEOPLE-MI NA-PEOPLE Debbie Wood - W2B (WCMS) Vacancy Edit (Rep) Trent Training (QlikView) MI People (O365) Teams Direct Routing (O365) Forms (Internet) Video Streaming (Internet) File Sharing (Azure) Docusign SSO (Applic) Sitedata_RO (Applic) PS2000 (Applic) HRRep Senior Managers (Applic) HRRep People Managers (Applic) GIS (Applic) Acrobat #DIST - ROC Daily Report #DIST - Management Reporting #DIST - Fin Docusign SSO-11004472407 #DEPT - People{{SISJobOutputParameterEnd}}

  6. As part of our new starter process we would like to send the customer of the ticket , which is created in the flow, an email with details of the account that has been created.

    ideally, this can not be captured within the ticket because it will need to contain a password.

    The parameters we need to send as part of the email are input parameters to the script. The only way i can see to send an email is through an email template which I assume we cannot use ITOM runbooks variables to set information

    Could anyone suggest the best way of sending this customer communication??

    many thanks


  7. Hi 

    we creating a script that returns a list of AD groups a user is a member of.

    The script writes the list of groups as an array & it writes the console fine

    It will not write to the output variable in the ITOM UI. Is there a way i can check if this is just UI limitations or the variable is actually blank?

    Are there limitations of the String output parameter type ??




  8. Morning @Ricky

    below is what i can see in the log for the completion of that job

    2021-03-10 16:53:09Z [INFO]:[GENERAL]:[5340] Result: Success

    2021-03-10 16:53:09Z [INFO]:[GENERAL]:[5340] Setting job 317 status to processingOutput
    2021-03-10 16:53:09Z [INFO]:[GENERAL]:[5340] Setting job 317 status to succeeded
    2021-03-10 16:53:09Z [ERROR]:[COMMS]:[5340] The SIS authorization key is invalid
    2021-03-10 16:53:09Z [ERROR]:[GENERAL]:[5340] Failed to update job status. Operation[automation::sisUpdateJobStatus] The SIS authorization key is invalid



  9. Afternoon 

    we are getting intermittent site of jobs getting stuck in the Processing Output status. Its not just the job below, it seems to be across all


    If you re-run the job type they complete successfully

    It would be great if this could be looked into and we could understand if there is any monitoring that could let the supporting team know if jobs get stuck??




  10. Hi

    i wondered if it was possible to influence how and what the search widget returns 

    currently it returns only 5 catalogue items before the customer has to click on the number found to expand to see the rest

    we have had feedback that this isn’t that obvious. I wonder if there is a setting that allows all results to be shown when searching?

    It would also be great to be able to hit ‘enter’ on the end of a search and a results page be shown. A bit like using the google search engine that so many people are very familiar with using.



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