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Posts posted by Martijn

  1. @James Ainsworth@Martyn Houghton

    Comming back to this after having a chat with support, they point to azure /office being an issue. 
    i disagree with that for reasons below.  

    - Have no logs from a azure / o365 point of view that there is a account issue. 
    - i can connect to shared mailbox user powershell with chillkat (trial)
    - i can access mailbox via Postman.
    - i can connect to mailbox using EAGetMail with .net (also trial) / other acount details
       both console app / desktop app. 

    So did some more digging, turns out its a BUG (imho) 
    When you get the first login for the "email" user you want to save in the keysafe, it prompts you thereafter to consent.. this where it goes wrong. 

    The process saves the "Consenting" user details instead of the "email user"  (managed to intercept the JWT token during the callback after Azure login) 

    Further you cant save credetials when not consenting directly in that flow. which is also broken (imo), why can't i just save credentials without consenting. what if i want to consent in another browser session i have open to azure ? 

    The only way for me to get it working is to disable the consent, and allow the "email " user to consent during the creation of the keysafe. 



  2. Setting up a shared mailbox

    - Created new user / shared mailbox in ExO
    - Removed MFA requiredment for this user.
    - Password is long but does not contain special chars 
    - Created keysafe for that user.
    - Setup new shared mailbox in hornbill using created keysafe. (when testing all green )

    - Does not import email but can send email 
    - EspMailImporter log > Error Bad user is authenticated but not connected. 

    Classic auth seem to work fine, but want to move a way from that for obvious reasons.


    Looking at the email importer log, seems to suggest something is wrong. 



    How to setup a sharedmailbox with Keysafe ? 


  3. Hi,

    Need some guidance on setup the shared mailbox with modern auth. 
    i have setup a KeySafe password with the username that currently connects to that mailbox.
    Sharedmailbox: isteam-nl@domain.com
    Sharedmailbox Account: GenITSM-Email

    I'm able to setup the shared mailbox and send email out but not receive any email. 

    Looking at the ESPMailIMported log. 
    ImapCmdResp: aaac BAD User is authenticated but not connected.

    how can i fix this?



  4. Hi all, 

    Since a couple of weeks we hit some issues with our chance proces. 
    We have 2 days to get approval after two days its delegated to a group of three to authorise. 



    i First get the authorisers by Role, then a node to create a task to autorize. 



    Somehow the Auto Assign gets filpped back to user instead of the variable form the previous node. 

    To fix it i have to go in the running BPM and select a name in unther "autorization Owner " in oder to get the process to continue. 
    The selected user is not in the Approvers list (or role selected by previous node ) but the task are assiged to the right people. 

    Did we hit a bug here ? 
    Did we do something wrong?

    it has worked like this at least a year, but we recently only change the days for the expirey. 


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