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Logan Graham

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Posts posted by Logan Graham

  1. Hi All,

    Hoping you can help, I might just be missing something but it seems that if a ticket is raised by mistake as say a P1 with the response time of a day if we then correct this manually using the "escalate" action to a P3 with a resolution of 3 days, it does not change the resolution time. 

    Any ideas on this?


    Logan G

  2. Hello,

    We are wondering if it is possible to either disable the assignment action for certain members of a team or if there is a way to make it so if a ticket is reassigned using the action it notifies the team manager? 

    The reason we would like this is some tickets get moved using this action and there is nothing to tell the line manager that this has been reassigned. 

    Any ideas would be great.


    Logan G

  3. Hello All,

    Hoping you can help, since the update we have noticed that activities are not auto showing on the right, you have having to clcik the arrow and then click show more then it loads. It doesn't seem to be on every activity.

    It is a bit of a inconvenience as the analysts are having to do more clicks to complete the tasks.


    Logan G

  4. Hi All,

    Hoping you can help, something we have noticed since moving a few things around with our help desk here, we can no longer search for requested that belong to a retired service. 

    I know a little while ago it was sorted that people could see their own requests from retired services but it would be helpful if members that are in the supporting teams of the retired service can still search for tickets using the top search bar. 

    We normally search for tickets that have been opened by a user in the past and click on "all my services" which brings up all tickets for that user.

    Unless there is another better way of doing this I am open for options.

    Thanks in advance.


  5. @James Ainsworth

    I would like them just included in the request so tickets can still be assigned to them as part of that team but they do not automatically receive tickets from the round robin as they are senior engineers and the other 2 are the juniors so would receive the tickets first.

    On a second note, I see this as a benefit on task's as well as it will reduce the amount of teams that the task's assign to.


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