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Everything posted by chrisnutt

  1. Great, many thanks all. I'll check them all out. I'm well Conor, thanks for asking! How are you? Seems like ages since you were last here now.
  2. Hi, I've a feeling that this may have been asked before but I am unable to find it in a search. I have a number of progressive captures that have customised forms and I would like to run a report on what the answers to these questions are for each request. I hope this is possible! If so, how can I do it? To illustrate what I would like to see: Ref Summary ProCap Question 1 Procap Question 2 ProCap Question 3 CH001 Change 1 Yes No High CH002 Change 2 No Yes Low and so on.... Thanks in advance! Chris
  3. Hi All, Please, can someone from Hornbill take a look at the attached image. It would appear that the list of Libraries on the left has a misspelt heading. I have checked and I can't see anywhere where I can configure it. The same spelling mistake is shown in an image on the wiki: https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/Libraries Can this be corrected? Thanks Chris
  4. Thanks, James. I'm glad that I'm not going mad! Chris
  5. Hi, Today I logged in as a user from a separate department to test their access. I should add I am in the final stages of development before beginning some form of UAT. I noticed a service in his list of Services that shouldn't be there so I logged back in as me and went to toggle the access from open to private. But nothing happens. The toggle moves left and right, but it keeps saying "Open". Leaving the page and coming back makes no difference and the other user can still see this service in his list. Is there something obvious I am missing? Perhaps a setting that needs turning on? I've been able to toggle this in the past as I have set most of our services up as private. I've checked the wiki and done a search here but not turned anything up. Thanks in advance Chris
  6. Thanks, both. Yes, you have both helped! Good to know before I delve into designing a new process! Chris
  7. Hi Everyone, TL:DR - Can I convert a problem type into a known error type somehow? I'm feeling a bit perplexed. Maybe I'm being dim. Hopefully not, but I thought I'd ask away anyway! In Supportworks, you raise a problem then provide a workaround then publish as a known error then close the known error. I was never really happy with this, mainly because I seemed to get asked at least once a month "How do I close a problem". Usually by the same people! I always thought it would make sense to be able to treat them as two entities and allow them to be raised and closed independently of each other BUT also keep the functionality to publish a problem as a known error if required. In Service Manager, I am delighted that most of that has happened. However, there is one thing that is puzzling me. Can I convert a problem type into a known error type somehow? If not, am I supposed to ask people to close their problem when they have a workaround and raise a known error or just leave it as a problem? If the latter, then what is the benefit of having the KE type? Is because sometimes when you are raising something you already know the root cause? I don't relish the idea of explaining this distinction to a bunch of infrastructure engineers who consider ITIL the biggest pain in their job. Grateful for all opinions on this topic from Hornbill staff and users of the platform I've seen the following thread and didn't really get an answer: I've also read the wiki on this topic and couldn't find anything. It is possible I missed it. I'm very much at the developmental stage with a problem process and would love to develop it with Service Manager capabilities as the driver but as of right now I am wondering if I even bother with KEs. Thanks in advance all!
  8. Hi, I'd like to add my interest in the ability to log requests through the app. It would be extremely beneficial to a few of our teams who spend their day away from their office to be able to log things on the fly without having to remember to do so when they return to their desk. I've tried it through Safari and while it works just the same as on a PC it doesn't look good. There's overlapping text etc. Chris
  9. Hi All, Just want to check that I understand what I think the answer to this query is. Basically, it is not possible to purge the newsfeed/buzz to a clean slate as if nothing has ever been posted. In other words, you cannot reset the collaboration element. Thanks Chris
  10. Thanks, James. That helps somewhat, but there are some posts on people's buzz pages which I'm more keen to remove. When someone logs in for the first time, I'd prefer it if they don't see a bunch of posts like "kljnsdfkl" that they have supposedly posted on their buzz and commented on! Hope that makes sense. Chris
  11. Hi All, I have been posting in the news feed during testing, just to get an idea of the functionality, under the assumption that I'd be able to clear stuff out before going live. It would seem the old saying about assumptions rings true in this case as I am unable to find any way to clear posts out. I have seen this thread, and the thread linked within it: This seems to be referring to only when in BAU so I am hoping there is a way to completely clear down the collaboration side of things (similar to clearing requests) prior to launching? Is this possible? Thanks in advance. Chris
  12. Thanks for the swift replies, Dan and Victor Some interesting thoughts. I may just try the disable all Bus Pros route while testing, but for the day before go live, I'll maybe have put in some decisions into them. Chris
  13. Hi All, I'm hoping someone is able to help with this question! My business processes are set to wait for a priority, wait for an owner and then send a notification to the customer. I'm preparing to do the call import and am setting up the conf files. As I was going through the priority mapping section, it occurred to me that once imported, the business process I have set up may kick in. If so, that could result in it triggering emails to anybody who has an open call. Will that happen? Do you have any advice from you own call imports? Thanks in advance. Chris
  14. Thanks for the update, @Gerry . I won't be able to attend the event but will keep an eye out for its release Chris
  15. Hi James, Thanks. I was hoping to find something similar to scheduled calls/requests when I found the thread, but understand the shift to activities. The scheduling of these to occur automatically at set times fits exactly with what I need. When reading the thread, I saw that this was in the pipeline but seems to have had some delays so was hoping to find out if there was any news. The main thing I (and my colleagues) are after is the ability to set an activity to repeat at regular intervals. I think someone used the example of regular backups and we'd like to do the same. We would want a regular activity to appear every Monday that said "Check Weekend backups" and one on Tuesday to Friday that says "Check overnight backups". Also, I know the infrastructure manager would jump at the chance of getting a scheduled activity for checking the AV console. Some of the other examples mentioned in this thread are things we would want to do too as well as many others which I won't bore you with! Thanks Chris
  16. Hi All, @Gerry , is there any update on this? I've just been asked by our infrastructure team if it is possible as they want to use it when we migrate from Supportworks. I've shown them how to do it in Supportworks with a scheduled call, and to go back to them to say the new system is incapable of doing anything similar will damage the enthusiasm/buy-in I am trying to build with them for the new platform. Thanks in advance. Chris
  17. Thanks, Chaz, I'll have a look into that. Chris
  18. Hi, I am working on a change process which asks a great many specific/customised questions. Our Change Manager has asked for a step to be built into the Change process that if the questions haven't been filled in satisfactorily, that an activity is generated for the person who raised the request asking them to rectify it. The process part works perfectly, but as I was testing I hit a stumbling block. I don't seem to be able to edit the questions. Is there a way to do this. See screenshot for what I mean if this makes no sense! Thanks in advance Chris
  19. Hi James, Thanks for the explanation. I understand now what it does, and from your explanation, it seems to do exactly what I want! Chris
  20. Hi All, I was just looking at a Service Level problem and came across this task in the Business Process. It doesn't seem to do anything though. Am I missing something? Thanks Chris
  21. Thanks, both. I ended up doing what is shown in the attached and it works well. Chris
  22. Hi All, I've just been having this problem and have come across this thread. I had considered this solution before searching the forum though but had dismissed it as surely it renders the benefit of having the "raise new" button completely redundant, doesn't it? You may as well dispose of the button and just have the drop down. I'm going to try the branching after the request type choice, but further down the line and see what happens. I'll post back with results Chris
  23. Thanks, Steve, Thanks for the reply. I think it would be really beneficial to have the ability to add a specific category to catalog items. We have four or five service categories set up and I have also set the category filtering as you describe (I think I described that bit originally very badly!) and I am having real difficulty in ensuring all our requests get logged with the correct category without giving the end user a prompt that doesn't always make sense to them. The example I have been wrestling with today is I have a service called IT Account and File Management. Technically, this is two services rolled into one - account management and file management - but I felt if I had "permissions" under account management and "errors accessing the file server" under file management users would be confused so I rolled them together. Under this service, I have a request catalog item called 'File permissions change'. I want it to be categorised simply as "IT -> Account Admin -> File Permissions, (the service is limited to IT -> Account Admin) but I have to either prompt the user to choose a category from a list which includes things like "New starter" and "Leaver" which have no business under this catalog item or do some business process gymnastics. I'd love to just assign the category to the catalog item and move on to next one! Hopefully, others will feel the same. Thanks Chris
  24. Hi all, I am going through the switch on process at the moment and I have a question that I'd like to put to the forum. Does anyone think it would be worthwhile to be able to set categories on catalog items? We could potentially have hundreds of services in our implementation as we will be using it in other areas of the business, not just IT. It was clear there would be too many just by setting up one area's services. So, talking to our switch on specialist, he suggested grouping services together as one service and have catalog items for each 'Service'. For example, instead of having ITIL style services, we'd just have a service called IT Support and under that catalog items for email faults, software requests and so on. This works well, except that you don't seem able to assign specific categories to different catalog items. For the time being, I have got around this by setting the category in the business process for specific catalog items I want to categorise, but that will get messy pretty quickly! Just looking to see if others would be interested in this. Or indeed, suggestions from your experience of similar situations? Chris
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