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User Import assigns customer as their own manager

Steve Giller

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Thanks Trevor - I didn't spot that.

If you find that it's not in the default config please let me know, as I haven't altered that and there's only one other person with access, so I'll be able to have a polite word about not messing with things when they aren't fully aware of the consequences!

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Hi Steve

Is your Config for UserManager as it was when you attached the configuration file?



Looking at your distinguishedName example you might want to disable Reverse in the config and set it to false as your CN attribute appears in the correct order?

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick

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Hi Trevor, it is, yes.

I wouldn't expect to see the CN appearing in the user details, though, I'd expect to see the manager's name.
Should I be using the [manager] AD attribute or do I use the [sAMAccountName] as this maps to the user's ID in Service Manager?


I re-ran it with "Reverse":false which hasn't changed anything.

I've also noticed that if I access a co-worker (not in the admin tool) I get
The maximum length of the value in element <userId> was expected to be 64 but was actually 114 at location '/methodCall/params/userId'

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Hi Steve

What should be happening is we query the LDAP attribute that holds the managers name for a given user typically this is manager, the field typically contains a distinguishedName so we run the regex to grab the name out of the distinguishedName string, we then looking the userId in Hornbill for that name and use that as the value of Manager when updating or creating a given user. Whats happening here is the manager id is being set as the distinguishedName which will cause issues when we assume its a valid user id in other areas of the application thus the error you are seeing.

Can you ping me over your LDAP import log in a PM as it will likely contain sensitive information.

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick 

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Right - I'm with it now.

I believe the issue is that the Regex will pull back, for example, 'Steve Giller' (from 'CN=steve.giller,OU=General User Accounts,OU=...') but my UserID is 'Giller_S' (or, for newer staff, 'Steve.Giller')
btw; Sorry for not sticking the manager field in a regex checker sooner, if I had that would have been apparent from the start!


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Yeah there is at least one issue i have found here: i have sent you an email with an updated import tool to run when you get a moment.

There is likely to be a second issue where the code assume the names are separated with a , and i can see in your example its a . but i have added some debugging to show these in the logs and corrected the Update action issue.

Kind Regards

Trevor Killick

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