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External links in BPM Node Documentation opens in the same tab!

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Good afternoon, 

I've lost 15 minutes' worth of configuration in a Workflow and now I cannot get it back. And yes, I do save regularly, but I was on a roll with this one so sometimes I don't save until I've hit the sweet spot and I'm satisfied with what I've just done.

This is all because I put in a Date Formatter Cloud Automation, then went into the Node documentation, and clicked on the link to take me to the PHP Formatter documentation in the same tab I was working on instead of a new window.

For the sake preventing this issue happening to anyone else, please can I request an enhancement for someone to update all Intelligent Capture/Workflow Node documentation, where there are links to other screens in Hornbill or to external links, to open in a New Tab/Window.

It's not common sense to always CTRL/Shift + Click on a link all the time on every single link you see, especially when working on something like a Workflow, one would expect that there would be a prompt first asking if you wish to navigate away from the page you are currently working on when clicking any internal/external links on a page like this, or automatically open in a new tab/window without the prompt.



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Hi @Gerry,

Apologies if I sounded shouty, it was frustrating but I'm back on track now, phew!

I do have that option set already to 3 minutes and it's been that way for a while (I think I changed it when the auto save interval setting was introduced some time (years?) ago):


The way I worked out it was about 15 minutes was because the time I flicked to the PHP documentation was about 15:47 and process publishing & activation screen showed 15:33. Could've been 14 minutes though.

I've been saving manually though since I reported the issue so all up to date so far.




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Hi @Gerry,

It just happened again but this time I mis-clicked a couple of keys on my keyboard which open a search based on a selection I made in a field (so I could copy and paste it into another field). It doesn't appear that Hornbill currently has any event handlers for capturing navigation requests away from the page.

Please could I request an enhancement, so these event handlers are used during certain screens on Hornbill, for example when editing the Workflow or Intelligent capture. If the event handler detects that a page navigation action has occurred, to pause that from happening and display a prompt asking if the user wishes to save and navigate, to cancel the request or to just navigate without saving. The JavaScript event handler is onBeforeUnload if I recall correctly.

Also, it's been more than 3 minutes, and the Workflow hadn't auto saved:


But I have seen it auto-saving earlier but doesn't seem like it's doing at the intervals I set in the parameter.



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20 minutes ago, samwoo said:

If the event handler detects that a page navigation action has occurred, to pause that from happening and display a prompt asking if the user wishes to save and navigate, to cancel the request or to just navigate without saving.

It does do this ...

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Hi @Steve Giller

I have seen it only happens when I click on a link to another Hornbill page, such as Service Manager -> Request List but not when it comes to opening to a new link thats not part of Hornbill.

Maybe I'm missing something but the two situations above, I have not been prompted for anything.

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