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Remove asset 'owned by' in the BPM

Guest Paul Alexander

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Guest Paul Alexander


We've just started using the asset update options in the BPM, which is saving us a TON of time thank you.

However, as part of our leavers process we'd like to be able to get the assets used by a particular user, and remove the 'owned by' and 'used by' links. Would that be possible to do in the bpm please? I know I can UPDATE these fields using the bpm node, but I can't remove them...


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@Paul Alexander

I wonder if you are caught in a similar issue reported in the topic below. The CSV Import Update process will not allow fields (such as 'Used By') to be blanked out. I will be interested where this takes you...

Set Asset field values (i.e. used by and owned by) to null/blank via the CSV Asset Import utility - Service Manager - Hornbill Community Forums

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Guest Paul Alexander

Hi @Frank Reay

It looks like a similar problem, however we're not using a csv import, but we're updating individual assets in a BPM. So yes, I think the 'end problem' is the same (not being able to blank out or remove an entry in the UsedBy field), just different ways of doing it (or NOT doing it, as the case may be :D )



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Guest Paul Alexander

Any news on whether a field can be updated to be 'blank' or 'null' using either the Asset Nodes in BPM or, in Frank's case, the csv import please?

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest Paul Alexander

Thanks @Steve Giller

We don't use a csv import for the assets we want to keep up to date, so we'd still like an option of updating the UsedBy field to be empty through the BPM if possible please.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest Paul Alexander

Are there any thoughts on this from Hornbill staff please? Being able to update a field to be blank using the BPM would save us a lot of time.


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