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Activities tracking

Dan Munns

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Hi all,

I have been asked how an analyst can see the tasks assigned to them that are not attached to calls.

We are currently using the scheduler api to generate a number of daily, weekly and monthly tasks, however once the task has been opened from the activities bar on the right it seems to disappear.

Selecting 'My Activities' shows all activities ever assigned to a user / team and makes finding the ones which are still open / require attention more difficult than it needs to be.

I am sure there is a simple fix but I can't work it out for the life of me. 



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Hi @Dan Munns

I am not sure why these are disappearing from the activities bar - are they set with a due date? once viewed they may move out of 'New' and into one of the other lists based on date (today, overdue, later etc)

On the My Activities views, the list may not be the most helpful view, but you can use the status filter in the tool bar to only show you the active or assigned activities as shown below:

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 14.38.37.png

Alternatively the users can create their own Board views and create their own lists and criteria for the activities showing on the lists;

Such as below where i want to see those activities which are due today, and for example are not complete / cancelled - but this is really up to you to decide what lists of activities you want and what criteria they need to meet to dynamically appear.

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 14.36.29.png

Finally you mentioned you are using the api scheduler tool currently to create the activities, just to let you know the Activity Scheduling is now available to look at under a beta flag on your instance. 

In the admin console under Home > System > Settings  > Advanced if you enable the following exp flag you will be able to try this.

* experimental.feature.scheduledJobsUI

With this enabled in the user app, you will see a new option when creating activities:

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 14.34.04.png

If you click on the Schedule option you can configure it's frequency and details

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 14.33.50.png

You can view and manage your existing scheduled jobs from the following menu option:

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 14.34.37.png

Where you can edit, pause or run your scheduled activities:

Screen Shot 2017-09-25 at 14.34.51.png

Hope this helps


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@Steven Boardman thanks for that. I think the issue was we receive so many service requests every day that the scheduled tasks were getting lost in with the other tasks.

I have made a point of setting up a tasks view for each analyst and explained how it works. 

As for the scheduler I will have a play with that today now I know its there :) 

Will I be able to schedule reports as well or is that still in the pipe line? 



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Hi @Dan Munns

On the right hand side Activity Panel, the top section is for notifications.  Once an Activity is looked at, the notification will be removed.  I'm wondering if this is being mistaken for the Activity disappearing.  Once the notification has been removed, the Activity will still be listed under one of the expandable sections (Overdue, Today, Later, and Someday).  This will be based on the due date.  If there is no due date set, it will come under the section "Someday".  

The "My Activities" title at the top will also open the full "My Activities" page when clicked on.   This page provides a full view of all the activities whereas the right hand panel is just an overview and a place for Activity Notifications.



The Board View in the main My Activities is a great way to organise your activities.  For example I have a list in the Board View that filters Activities to show just Activities that have the text "I need to" in the title.  I use this for adding quick personal activities.  Every time I want to quickly add a new personal Activity I just start the title with "I need to..." and it automatically gets added to this list.  





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