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Everything posted by EWA

  1. The answer to a question of Region can come from different field_id, as the region depends on Divison. I was thinking of mapping all the answer to a text field but I'm not sure, how I can make to show only the variable which isn't empty.
  2. I've managed to assign the activity to myself and then reassign it to the relevant team using my own account. Are all activities/ generated by workflow have system admin set up as owner?
  3. Will I checked out the documentation, however, it doesn't seem to work as expected.. I'm the system Admin, Yet I'm not able to re-assign the activity. I've added myself the the team the activity is assigned to and I still can't reassign it. I've check the Advance settings and this is turned off however,
  4. We seems to lost an ability to reassinged an activity on a call to another analyst or team. have I missed any communication regarding it?
  5. those will have to be emails... and I added the utility get time and WTC for On-Hold ticket - but not sure how the authorisation node can be suspended using this time
  6. We now know that the External Authorisation Expiry time is actual days/hr, min but is it looking at WTC? if not is there a way to attached WTC to ensure Non Working Time in account for? I've got a process which sends out a quote which is only valid for 2 days, so it this is send out Friday - the recipient of the quote won't have much time to respond?
  7. @Steve Giller with Sam help I managed to get it to work . I'm using the co-worker option and then use from variable and raw value. Not sure why there is co-worker - where you can choose variable and co-worker from variable.
  8. I added a node after each GetUser Details and it seems to work now. Still would like to understand, if it would be possible to use the global reference
  9. Hello, I;m building a workflow where the approver will either be the person who logged the call or a person specified within Intelligent Capture. I thought I could amend the the result reference for the Get LM from IC and Customer and use the and then reference the output to update CustoFileds It works on a different workflow but I can't seem to get it to work on this very one
  10. I thought that as well.. but what the issue could be. I changed the Data Query used to just users without the UserID but still the same issue
  11. I could see in the questions section that the my colleague name was populated but on timeline there is only request logged entry.
  12. While we on this..I want the connection to automatically receives any updats/emails - same like the owner , I thought I could CC the connection into the relevant nodes rather than use the email connection but not sure it this can be achived.
  13. Thank you that was the original settings.. which failed..
  14. First time trying to use Add Connection and obviously getting errors. I wanted to add as affected or interested PM which is specified in one of the questions. I was getting errors so changed for the failed workflow to manually add myself... still getting an error. Does this node require Get User beforehand Xmlmc method invocation failed for BPM invocation node 's1/flowcode-9103611c': <methodCallResult status="fail"> <state> <code>0207</code> <service>apps</service> <operation>addConnection</operation> <error>/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/RequestConnections/fc_modules/request_connections_helper.js(598): error X1001: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property &apos;h_firstname&apos; of undefined</error> <flowcodeError> <where>Execute</where> <filename>/apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/RequestConnections/fc_modules/request_connections_helper.js</filename> <lineNumber>598</lineNumber> <columnPos>16</columnPos> <message>Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property &apos;h_firstname&apos; of undefined</message> <errorCode>1001</errorCode> </flowcodeError> </state> </methodCallResult>
  15. Is there a quick way, rather than mapping each question to a custom Field" to have all questions and answers inserted into an email and then send to a specific users . I suggested to adding the required person as a connection into the call, so that they can view all the info but they require a copy for filling.
  16. I need to change a division name, unfortunately we have condition set up in multiple workflows & Intelligent Captures , so I thought that there might be able to simply just amend the default Display name and that wouldn't affect any of the conditions set.. how do I know thought, which value is the workflow using?
  17. I want to start using the External Authorisation node and just one to hear if anyone has been using it and how does it work for you., especially the expiry node. I set it up so that it resends the email upon an expir, which in theory it will never expire, I wonder, if anyone been using it and share your tips.
  18. What is the best practice to manage retired workflows? Is it safe to delete them? And any of the reports doesn't give me an idea of when last time a request was used/ or how many times... Is there a shortcut to get this data?
  19. Looking into defining some house keeping activities and I wonder if there is a way to find out which Workflow/ Business Process / Service Catalogue items have not been use or hardly use?
  20. Are the documents filtered only on a first word? The requests tab doesn't show the data a request was logged at. I think this could be useful to the user, to check, if the issue they reporting has already been logged.
  21. I've been given a request to manage certificates expiry, so that the relevant team is made aware 2 months in advance before the expiration date. Thought, I could use Asset Management and Licence expiry field but and then? That's the easy bit but how to then create requests ? Any ideas welcome.
  22. I'm keen to understand better how the improve Knowledge Base works in Hornbill but eventhough I've got the Knowledgebase Manager option I can't find the option to actually access the module.. (i'm pretty sure it was there straight after the Hornbill insight)
  23. My users and myself are getting this error and number of different ones : 'Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'vueApp')'
  24. So we have our employee portal configure with some white text and therefore with the darkmode /high contrast the text becomes invisible. The setting you mentioned under My Profile - doesn't seem to make any difference to the portal .
  25. The Feedback stars are not showing unless one hovers over it
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