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Everything posted by Jim

  1. Thanks for the patch, I may have caused myself more issues now, I can't access my dashboards as an admin I thought they wouldn't need to be shared with me, is there a role I am missing? I also have some dashboards with no owner, so these are completely locked away from me now?
  2. hmm, Is everything before this correct? so custom C contains the correct information and Custom B? are we also getting request information after these values are set and not before? I am guessing that these are being set by the import, when updating the description could you show the variables that are there? failing this I'm not too sure why its not working
  3. you may find it easier to copy the output parameter from the node itself rather than the pickers, for example copy these except for your function: What you have done is absolutely right as it differentiates the output parameter for the same function, However when using the variable picker you will see the 'display values' whereas the below you would see the specific nodes output field changes based on your 'resultReference'
  4. Dynamic drop down list would allow them to search? I don't think you're going to get much better than that. I would advise grouping the permissions via a 'prefix' which would make it easier for them to search/filter the list.
  5. Hi, I have an irritation that I would like to resolve, I have told our service desk to refuse logging requests from emails as this is not self service and bypasses the use of portal and to instead advise to log into Hornbill to log a request, (we do have measures in place if their are access issues) However, this is not being followed by everyone, Can I remove user rights to log requests from email or somehow block this from happening? I am not after an all or nothing option but only for service desk staff
  6. (select h_pk_updateid as test from h_itsm_requesthistupdates WHERE h_itsm_requests.h_pk_reference = h_itsm_requesthistupdates.h_fk_reference Order by h_pk_updateid desc Limit 1)
  7. Did anything come of this as this would be really useful?
  8. Ahhh formatting issue! although at first glance it seems right, it is not you need the following you can use this for formatting patterns, PHP: date - Manual
  9. That looks okay to me, maybe move the sql get timestamp to a date time field then do the formatting, it might be reading as a string opposed to datetime
  10. What do you have in the utilities date formatter node?
  11. ORRRR now this is funny, do this actually as this defo works
  12. No that doesn't work I've just tested in an auto task , however, can you do it in the sql statement?
  13. ah Brilliant, its all progress! have you looked at the utitilites, get timestamp option? I know it outputs unix not so sure on the input
  14. I believe the relevant role is 'Dashboard Viewer' to give to analysts and then share the dashboards with them, their a defect with the permissions as I can change the 'ID' in the url and get access to dashboards on my test account which I should not have access to, Can this please be looked into asap
  15. ahh I see, yes you will want images in the actual image library here for this purpose https://live.hornbill.com/{instancename}/admin/platform/customize/image-library/
  16. I think date closed is a system set field, for the sake of historic data you could use custom fields though, I'm surprised at importing closed requests at all in all honesty. But you will have to bend the system a little to achieve what you need, I'm not too sure if Hornbill offer an option in the import that accommodates this scenario
  17. Yes, [[File:{URLtoImage}]] When you go to image library if you see hover the image a 'clipboard' icon appears, click it to get the url
  18. you would need to do it here
  19. Any info surrounding this?
  20. Worflow* and catalog item, you would also need to modify the sql statement for each request type to separate closed from actual open ones and run 2 separate imports
  21. Create a new workforce for closed requests, import as open and close them as part of the process automatically
  22. hmm, hard to say unless there's anything missing ref the defaults, here's how our incidents looked for our side, obviously your ID's, service and statement are going to differ { "Description":"This object configures the importing of Incidents", "Import":true, "CallClass": "Incident", "SupportworksCallClass":"Incident", "DefaultTeam":"Service Desk", "DefaultPriority":"P4", "DefaultService":"IT Support", "SQLStatement":"SELECT opencall.callref, logdatex, closedatex, cust_id, cust_name, itsm_title, owner, suppgroup, status, updatedb.updatetxt, priority, itsm_impact_level, itsm_urgency_level, withinfix, withinresp, bpm_workflow_id, probcode, fixcode, site FROM opencall, updatedb WHERE updatedb.callref = opencall.callref AND updatedb.udindex = 0 AND callclass = 'Incident' AND status < 15 AND status != 6 AND opencall.callref IN (0789852,0779402,0788229,0793492)", "CoreFieldMapping": {"h_catalog_id" = "111", "h_datelogged":"[logdatex]", "h_dateclosed":"[closedatex]", "h_summary":"[oldCallRef] - [itsm_title]", "h_description":"[updatetxt]", "h_external_ref_number":"[oldCallRef]", "h_fk_user_id":"[cust_id]", "h_status":"[status]", "h_request_language":"en-GB", "h_impact":"[itsm_impact_level]", "h_urgency":"[itsm_urgency_level]", "h_customer_type":"0", "h_container_id":"", "h_fk_serviceid":"", "h_resolution":"", "h_category_id":"[probcode]", "h_closure_category_id":"[fixcode]", "h_ownerid":"[owner]", "h_fk_team_id":"[suppgroup]", "h_fk_priorityid":"", "h_site":"[site]", "h_company_id":"", "h_company_name":"", "h_withinfix":"[withinfix]", "h_withinresponse":"[withinresp]", "h_custom_a":"", "h_custom_b":"", "h_custom_c":"", "h_custom_d":"", "h_custom_e":"", "h_custom_f":"", "h_custom_g":"", "h_custom_h":"", "h_custom_i":"", "h_custom_j":"", "h_custom_k":"", "h_custom_l":"", "h_custom_m":"", "h_custom_n":"", "h_custom_o":"", "h_custom_p":"", "h_custom_q":"" }, "AdditionalFieldMapping":{ "h_firsttimefix":"", "h_custom_a":"Custom Data", "h_custom_b":"[itsm_title]", "h_custom_c":"[updatetxt]", "h_custom_d":"", "h_custom_e":"", "h_custom_f":"", "h_custom_g":"", "h_custom_h":"", "h_custom_i":"", "h_custom_j":"", "h_custom_k":"", "h_custom_l":"", "h_custom_m":"", "h_custom_n":"", "h_custom_o":"", "h_custom_p":"", "h_custom_q":"", "h_flgproblemfix":"", "h_fk_problemfixid":"", "h_flgfixisworkaround":"", "h_flg_fixisresolution":"" } },
  23. hmmm, A button which you will learn to love as Admin, create a custom button for each request type which opens a URL as the following -- replace the {instanceName} with your own, it will link you straight to the running process (when it exists mind) https://live.hornbill.com/{instanceName}/admin/app/com.hornbill.servicemanager/manage-executed-processes/![[h_bpm_id]]/?stateFilter=other
  24. I would also check the log file to see if it complains of any access issues if its permissions related, although I don't think that should matter considering its gotten as far as actually logging the request, I would assume the catalog item is actually published?
  25. Ahhhh great minds I can't think why a process would not execute once a catalog item is provided, I have seen this issue before though I can't think what it was at the time. I think it was an error when scheduled requests were added as a feature, so wouldn't relate to your issue, Ironically I think not setting a customer may cause some issues to do with subscriptions etc, maybe try adding a default value of a dummy account that lives in Hornbill
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