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P. Nordqvist

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Posts posted by P. Nordqvist

  1. Hi again,

    I will answer my self on this issue that I still don't understand.
    We have noticed that you can use either your user ID alternative the email address as login to Hornbill.

    For some reason you cannot use your email address when using the "Forgot Password" function from the service portal.
    Now I will tell all users to use their user ID instead and hope they forget about the email.

    As a change request I would like to have the email as User ID to also support the Forgot Password function.

    Kind Regards

  2. Hi,


    I have a pretty urgent issue (also pretty embarrassing).

    We just went live with Hornbill Service Manager and an email went out to all our co-works telling them about the service.hornbill.com url.
    They have all been told that they can login the first time after selecting Forgot Password.
    The issue now is that there are no mails sent to the users.

    This is how the error log looks like:

    2792913 2018-05-30 09:47:20 error perf 1948 session:userPasswordResetRequest() Method call results: failure (230572032 B, 902 ms, -32 kB, 0 ms, 0 kB)


    Can someone point me in the right direction for debugging.
    I can also mention that we have change the default from address on the user help desk system mailbox if that can have any impact.


  3. Hi,

    This is a feature we have been looking for but for some reason I don't get it to work when assigning the autorisation to a Role (group works fine).
    I have implemented it exactly like the example above, even using the same Role 'CAB Approver'. The Role have 3 people added.
    It seems the system don't even find the Role defined in the business process.

  4. Hi,

    I have an issue with one of our users in relations to Activities Notifications.
    When I assign a new task to this user, the notifications in the upper right corner behaves very strange.
    The pullout shows now 3 at the same time it states "No new notifications"


    His notifications are set like this:





  5. Hi,

    We have setup some routing rules to automatic log calls when the mail has a specific subject.
    When these calls are logged, an email is sent to the team, but the catalog item information is missing.
    The mail looks like this:

    Reference: SR00000229
    Customer: Nordqvist, Per
    Service: Office / {{.H_catalog}}
    Summary: Mailsweeper block Info

    The email template used looks like this:

    Reference: {{.H_pk_reference}}
    Customer: {{Customer Coworker.H_name}}
    Service: {{.H_fk_servicename}} / {{.H_catalog}}
    Summary: {{.H_summary}}

    This only happens when any of our routing rules has created the call, not if the analyst logs the call manually.
    To me it looks like the emails are sent and bit too early before the call is completely logged with all necessary information.


  6. Hi,

    In the Request List View there is a chance to reorder the columns in the list view.
    Looking at the Hornbill wiki for My Activities List View, https://wiki.hornbill.com/index.php/My_Activities , it looks that the same possibility was available to configure the list view for activities.

    Now it looks like this and we have no chance to reorder the view in any case:

    Is there a chance to get the same column configuration possibilities in My Activities as in the Request List?


  7. Hi,

    While doing some process changes today I stumbled over a feature I haven't seen before.



    What does the Capture Task Fields mean and how can they be used?
    I can also add Capture Task Fields when editing the Outcomes, but same thing there, how shall they be used?
    No I have created one and I have also no possibility to remove it.

    I was hoping I could add a text input similar to what we do in Progressive Capture and use the outcome from that field later in the process.


  8. Hi, I guess you can consider this as a feature request for the service portal.

    In SupportWorks Self-Service portal we are used to that our customers (co-workers) have the ability to view assets they are assigned as owner to.
    Would it be possible to add this feature in service.hornbill.com/instancename as well?

    Today it is only possible to add the "Asset Details"  (for some reason only 5 assets are shown) form in a progressive capture also for the co-workers, but it would be nice to have an additional link at the top of the page named "My Assets" where they can simply see the assets they are either owner or user of.


    • Like 1
  9. Hi,

    Currently I am struggling updating assets using the goDBAssetImport from github.
    No matter what I do when I want to update the assets I always get the same error in the log file:

    [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'"
     [DEBUG] API XML: <params><customerId>&lt;nil&gt;</customerId><customerType>0</customerType></params>
    [ERROR] Unable to Search for Customer [<nil>]: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_ops/shrGetCustomerDetails): nodeName: API Call: userProfileGet; nodeId: 3e1a9a7d-45ca-4e80-ae16-3a473865b996; At 182/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[session::userProfileGet] The value in element <userId> did not meet the required input pattern constraints. at location '/methodCall/params/userId'"

    Due to this the update is skipped.
    Any idea what this error message mean?

  10. @Victor Thanks for your reply. Unfortunately it isn't that simple because it is the "Application Rights" View Asset Management that is assigned to the Role "Asset Management User" that also allows the user to create assets (not delete though).

    In this case I see no other chance than changing the table rights which is obviously also not working. 

  11. Hi,

    As we currently are in the Switch-On period this is my first topic in this forum. :)

    We are just about to import all our assets and especially one property is missing and I am pretty sure no other customer needs this (Old Asset Tag).
    For different historical reasons we need this information in any case and my only solution is to misuse any other property which I would like to avoid.

    The request I have is to have additional custom properties similar to what exist for customers and co-workers.
    Some additional custom properties available under the different categories (e.g. General Property 1, General Property 2 available under the category General Properties and  Additional Property 1, Additional Property 2 under the Additional Properties).
    Maybe even have some custom properties under every sub category (e.g. Financial Information, Hardware Information and so on ...)


  12. Hi, I have the same issue as J_Tamburrini.

    I want to have a role that allows viewing and updating assets but NOT creating assets.
    I copied the role Asset Management User to a new Role. In the new role I removed the insert option for all h_cmdb* tables except h_cmdb_links.
    As the Incident, Service Request and Change roles have the insert enabled on the h_cmdb* tables I removed the insert option there as well.

    For some reason users assigned to this role(s) are able to create assets anyway. Any idea?

    Kind Regards

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