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Everything posted by Shamaila.Yousaf

  1. Thanks both, I knew there would be a way. I have fed back to the Facilities Team, think something was being tested by a colleague of yours when they were liaising with the Facilities Team but ended up disabling this function as it was affecting our services also. Hopefully they can apply to their own services once they decide to reapply this feature. Regards Sxx
  2. We have received an email which has been generated from our Payroll system. When we click on 'Raise Request' the details within the email do not transfer to the logged call, message appears "This message can only be viewed in HTML capable mail clients". The team are having to copy & paste the details during the call logging process - far from ideal. Any ideas how we can resolve this issue? Regards Sxx
  3. Hi We have noticed this for the past couple of days or so for incidents only, the take off hold appears as Select Sub-Status. It brings up 2 options (with contractor or confirmation from contractor received) - not sure what this means. Service Requests seem to be fine. I don't believe any changes have been made to anything our end. Has anyone else noticed this? Thanks in advance.
  4. From our business process it looks like the output format is set to: d-m-y however; symbols appear in the view - see example of what our view looks like against the 'Date Handset Required on' (custom field 21).
  5. I accidentally chose the BPM is BPM Approval...this brought up the results I needed. Thanks Sxx
  6. @Steven Boardman ok so I did use my initiative previously and manually entered, however; it still did not appear with any results. Think we made a change to the 'authorisers' during our testing phase so could be due to that. Will take a look at it in a few days and will revisit this post if required. Thanks again. Sxx
  7. *Create a view to show outcome as Rejected & Authorise...sorry
  8. I'm looking to create an activity to show the outcome 'Authorise' & 'Reject' however; nothing is listed in the drop down box? Any ideas? Regards Sxx
  9. Hi Moving forwards, we will be working with activities (tasks) a little more frequently. However; I'm finding it difficult as to how to manage the activities. Some appear in the 'My Activity' Section, some appear in the calendar view, some appear in the 'someday' in the board view and then there's a list view....it's all so confusing. I would have assumed that users would be identified via the bell icon, but i don't believe this is working our end, has anyone else experienced this? Also, if one creates a view in the activities is there a chance that the views be shared as we can do so in the request list? Thanks in advance.
  10. Thanks, i understand now. So I need to select the custom field as an outcome? This is what i see (if i am in the correct bit), do i click on edit and add field? Upon doing so I can't see where i would select the custom field. No worries, I am due to discuss with Dan on Monday so will have him arrange. Regards Sxx
  11. Thanks @Steve Gillerwhere can I locate the field we chose with the output?...Is it in the Business Process somewhere then? Also moving forward, is there an automated list somewhere i can retrieve where we have used the custom fields?
  12. @Dan Munnsmaybe a silly question but how will I know which custom field it is? Regards Sxx
  13. @James Ainsworth do you have an update on this for me please? Thanks everso.
  14. Thanks for your response - the above does make sense. Regards Sxx
  15. we had the same issue and we have spoken to Dan. Dan has fedback to this with regards to our relation.
  16. Each time the Service Desk receives a missed call we are sent an email of notification in the shared mailbox. Is there an easy way to identify the number of missed calls along with details such as when the call was missed? Thanks
  17. Excellent, this seems to have resolved out Facilities Team's end. Thanks @Victor Regards Sxx
  18. I have not fully inserted the name of our email address in case it compromises GDPR/confidentiality etc. It doesn't work as in the rule fails and the email remains in our inbox.
  19. Thanks @Victortried the mailbox variable...and its not worked:( - it's probably something i'm not doing correctly. I'll go back to the drawing board.
  20. I setup a routing rule to update calls, via a regex match to a subject. However; not realising that this is affecting our Facilities Team who is a different department. I have amended to include AND toaddress and included the name of our mailbox but that hasn't worked. Any ideas?
  21. We are in the process of creating a business process for mobile phone requests, we add the customer as the line manager & the staff who requires the phone is added as the user connection. Would there be a possibility of the user connection having the ability to access the call via the portal to keep a track on the progress? I can see this being useful in other cases our end also. Thanks
  22. The business process was amended and I believe this issue was then resolved. Thanks all.
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