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Everything posted by Shamaila.Yousaf

  1. Error Code 1 - Could not connect to Server. Occurs for us all our end. Please assist.
  2. @conorh thanks. You have attached a text file only? Regards
  3. Think we have the same issue as yesterday. This is the message I see my end. Failed to initialize application Operation timed out after 10002 milliseconds with 0 out of -1 bytes received Please contact you system administrator or click here to try again
  4. I have been asked to see if we can produce a report to check how often 2 of our suppliers come on site - not sure if this can be achieved our end due to analysts possibly not categorising calls upon resolve we do ensure we add the asset to the calls though. Any ideas if we can create a report showing all details for calls logged against any assets matching the supplier ID below? LAS001 & KON001 Hope you can assist.
  5. @James Ainsworth - exactly what I was looking for. Didn't even know this feature existed!..We had previously been downloading, saving and uploading... Lovely little feature! Regards Sxx
  6. Hi Team I have noticed that there has been a few recent changes to the 'File attachments' against calls, it allows one to edit visibility etc (which is great!), however; I was wondering if we can have an option to forward the attachment. I appreciate as a workaround we can download and save file however; allowing one to forward will reduce these steps. We would use this when forwarding a line managers IT Hardware requests to Exec (who would not have access to Service Manager) - the customer highlights the requirements, so from the Service Desk's point of view, once we receive the completed form, clicking on actions and email to FWD would be a great benefit and would save us from manually having to copy & paste the details into the job then emailing the Exec Team. Your continued support is always greatly appreciated. Regards Sxx
  7. Excellent - Thanks @Steven Boardman, not sure why I haven't noticed this previously? I wonder if this is a recent 'add on'. With like the requests, is there a functionality to arrange 'views'? I know a report can be done, but we find the 'views' option a great one. I have previously requested this as have others, any ideas on an update as to when we will be able to export in a csv format from this screen?
  8. Would it be possible for a report to be scheduled for automatic download i.e. on a weekly recurrence and emailed to particular people? This is needed for project purposes, for our technicians & whom we would not want to provide rights to access the report functionality. Hope you can assist. Regards
  9. Apologies for the very delayed response @Steven Boardman. The requests view appear with a number of columns, could the assets not appear with the same setup also? This will allow us to see the assets at a glance as well as allowing us to choose the columns visible on screen like the requests? Regards
  10. Hi there, Following on from this, I am unable to find out how many calls we log via the phone. The analyst source includes our calls logged over the the phone, face to face as well as calls logged by our own teams for works to be done by other colleagues within our department. Supportworks was configured (if i remember correctly) to allow the 'call logger' to manually choose if the call was logged via face to face or via the phone etc. Can this be configured do you know moving forward our end? - i understand that we many have to individually select this entry. Any ideas if I can filter for Analyst calls, to show number of Analyst calls logged by IT Service Desk (only) - this would show me a little more of a realistic picture on calls being logged via the phone. Not sure how to filter the report by call logged by a particular team. Your continued support is appreciated. Regards Shamaila Yousaf
  11. Thanks @TrevorKillick - that did the trick! Just realised also that the reports function also comes with the 'option' of creating charts! Love this feature! Thanks again for your assistance.
  12. @Chaz, Please see error message attached along with the setting my end. I have made a few adjustments my end as I used the 'Team Name' - which includes IT Support & our Reprographics Team. Not sure what is incorrect - have double checked all settings so not sure what the SQL error is relating to? Hoping you can assist. Source Type - Error.docx
  13. @Chaz - Life Saver!..Exactly what I was looking for. First time i have made use of this report feature so looking forwards to be running other reports. Regards Sxx
  14. @Chaz - Life Saver!..Exactly what I was looking for. First time i have made use of this report feature so looking forwards to be running other reports. Regards Sxx
  15. Can we please look into arranging the asset in the main view, asset field would be extremely useful. Thanks for your continued support as always.
  16. I am looking for a monthly comparison for each source type, under a particular service name & in form of a percentage for this calendar year. Our service name = 'ITSupport' Not even sure where to commence with this. Thanks for your assistance.
  17. I know you can create activities, however; is there a plan to schedule occurring activities? I would like to view my team's activities to allow me to check on the progress also. Hoping you can assist. Thanks as always. Shamaila
  18. Thanks James. I'll get my manager to check in due course and will let you know. Regards Shamaila
  19. Thanks Martyn. Blue Clickable - I have clicked on one of their team's calls which appear in the search results and it allows me to access? Strange though as I can't see their team's incoming requests? Thanks
  20. Our Facilities Team are now using Service Manager. What we are finding is that when we are doing a global search that as we are unable to deselect their services that their Facilities related calls appears in the Search results. Is there the option to select/deselect the service or set our Global search under our services only? Does something need disabling behind the scenes? We have confidential information sent to us such as staff leavers so don't really need them to see these via the search option. Thanks
  21. Is there a way to find out what mentions I have done? I would like to keep a track in order to follow-up on responses. Hope this makes sense.
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