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Dashboard Sharing - Fault with Permissions


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I believe the relevant role is 'Dashboard Viewer' to give to analysts and then share the dashboards with them, their a defect with the permissions as I can change the 'ID' in the url and get access to dashboards on my test account which I should not have access to, Can this please be looked into asap

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Thanks for the patch, I may have caused myself more issues now, I can't access my dashboards :D as an admin I thought they wouldn't need to be shared with me, is there a role I am missing? I also have some dashboards with no owner, so these are completely locked away from me now?

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we had an issue this morning with accessing the dashboards we didn't have explicit permissions to (despite being Admins that support Hornbill) - we had to get the owner of the dashboard to add us to give us the permissions so we could access.

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