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I'm trying to add an assign to a team based on what software the customer selected from a drop down.

Issue is I have a long list of 30+ apps that go to one team, having to add them one by one is going to take some time. Is there a better way of doing this? See below - this is what I've added to the BPM decision node.


Rather than adding the apps one by one, can I use a separator so I can add them on one line. This data exists as a Simple List, but I can't see a way of adding them directly from that.



Actually found what I was looking for "IS IN" allows me to add the apps in one step



@nasimg if you need to use that logic in multiple places in your workflow (i.e. several expressions), consider having the output of the first expression added to a custom field (j_custom_h = "SoftwareTeamA") so subsequent expressions can use that as a single criteria


@Berto2002 very useful tip - thanks

What I need is something that keeps the BPM tidy and achieves the "assignment to a HB support team based on an app selection". This is proving difficult to keep compact/efficient....any ideas for the community would be appreciated.


9 hours ago, Steve Giller said:

@nasimg Are the Apps stored as Assets?

If so, you could populate a field on the Software Asset with the relevant Team (or other suitable value) and simply branch on that.

Hi @Steve Giller 

No we haven't used it yet be have plans to, this sounds like it would solve my issue.


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