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Branch pathway not working


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During testing I have found that all pathways except for Request wedding catering are working. The format being used in the custom expressions is consistent across all pathways. I have made sure there are no spelling errors and also deleted and re-built the route. This doesn't resolve the issue, as when you click the Next button nothing happens (so you cannot proceed to the Request wedding catering custom form). Does anybody know why this might be happening?




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@Joy When troubleshooting a workflow I always recommend outputting the values to the Timeline so you can see exactly what they are.

Occasionally issues can be due to case sensitivity, and the other day I had one where there were two spaces between words instead of one - which was invisible to the naked eye, so having the value in the timeline and being able to copy/paste it was a real benefit.

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Hi @Steve Giller, as this is occurring very early on the Progressive Capture (I posted under this specific sub-category) I can't even get to the stage where the request is generated. So I'm unsure how the value could be output onto the Timeline? Unless I'm missing something...

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@Joy our investigation into this issue shows this (the Next button not working for your PC) is caused when the PC tries to load the next form - this would be a custom form that has a date control custom field with the date range enabled and having an end date < start date for the date range configuration. This is incorrect and the date range end should always be greater than the date range start. The secondary aspect here is the lack of visual feedback of the issue for the form designer and/or the user using the PC, this is something we will advise development about it.

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