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Im Stuck

I have a decision with a BPM that is not working. The question in PCF is a radioset based on a simple list and when logged shows the following in the database


The decision node is 


However this doesn't work and instead jumps to the no match.


@Steve Giller Sorry for chasing this but wondered if you had any other ideas. The flow is already live due to project timings and this will have an impact on our service. Thanks



@KelvinThe first step in troubleshooting for me is always to push the value you're making a decision on out to a Timeline update so you can see exactly what value(s) to expect, and in what format.


@Steve GillerI have pushed the value to the timeline. See below.


I can now see this in the BPM

The variable is picked rather than typed in so not sure why it would say it does not exist.

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