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My colleague is trying to add their time to call but the work type is defaulting to Technical Research.  Is there a way that they can change the default to Technical Maintenance as this is the option they always require?


Hi Ann,

Thanks for your post.  There are a number of places where time can be captured.  Below is a screen shot of capturing time against an activity.


When you are completing an Activity and you see the Time Sheet timer clock, there is a small arrow next to it which will open up the category selector.  Then select the category Technical Maintenance and click on the Set as Default button. This will set the default for that particular user.

Also, within the Timesheet Manager app, a user with the role as Timesheet Manager will have an option to manage Timesheet Categories.  On this page there is a button for managing all of the default categories. 



This will display a list of all the different areas where time can be captured.  For each one of these areas, you can set a default category.




I hope that helps.  




Hi James

Thank you for the above information.  My colleague has tried this, however they are not getting the Set to default option.  I am presuming this is a permission issue but unsure which one.  Please would it be possible to advise?  Thank you.

Kind Regards



Hi Ann,

My apologies.  It looks like the user will need the role "Timesheet Administrator" in order to gain access to set the defaults.  The best approach would be to have an administrator set these for the appropriate category in the "Manage Default Categories" as seen in my screen shot above.





Just so you are aware of the current limitation of only being able to setup 'one set' of default categories for the whole system, i.e. you cannot set one set of defaults for one group of teams and different one for another group. This has been raised as a enhancement request, but has yet to progress.





Thank you James, we will give this a try. 

Martyn, thank you for the information, we will look forward to the enhancement.

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