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Email Interface


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I have a team of 6 service deskers covering email, chat, calls, other work.

The normal routine is that emails will be dealt with throughout the day by the whole team. If you're stuck on an install, or between calls you can pickup some emails.

The email interface seems to have 2 related but different problems.

1) View isn't refreshed quickly enough - we frequently have two people log the same email as the screen hasn't updated that this email has been marked as read, or even filed away. These aren't people clicking at the same time, it's a significant time apart. Shouting out every time you pickup an email is not plausible when the team are on calls at the same time.

2) When using the normal email interface the screen refreshes and you lose focus. - when reading an email the inbox refreshes and your focus shifts to another email while you're trying to understand what you've been sent.

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Hi @davidrb84,

Can because in point 2 you mention "the normal email interface", I imagine is the mailboxes view? In that case, can you please explain in point 1 in what page are you talking about?  What is slow for you? a second  or a minute to update?

Regarding point 2, are you saying that when an email is being selected and you are reading it and a new email comes in it switches to the new email?

Thank you,


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Hi @davidrb84


33 minutes ago, davidrb84 said:

we frequently have two people log the same email as the screen hasn't updated that this email has been marked as read, or even filed away.

We do have a change in our backlog for this.  We are looking to see if we can put more controls on the buttons to raise or update a request from an email and put some form of lock on these buttons.

I'll add you to the change and update this post once is progresses.  It is not currently scheduled with the development team.



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