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We're part way through an implementation of Service Manager at the moment and are getting to grips with the Service Portal.

We're coming from Supportworks and so heavily customised our self service portal, including inserting some javascript to overlay a Bomgar chat popup.

I'm aware this is not possible at all at the moment, but was wondering if anyone else was using Bomgar for chat support and might like to jump on an enhancement request.

We're going to be using a clickable link in a Progressive Capture as a stop gap, but would also be keen to hear people's ideas on better approaches to adding a link to the service portal. I should imagine there's all sorts of reasons people might need to link out to another site (corporate website or something maybe)

Screen Shot 2018-05-11 at 08.56.46.png


@davidrb84 you know that Hornbill have their own version of live chat, right? Have you considered switching altogether and use their tool instead? Could save you a bit of hassle...


Hi Lyonel

Thanks for your tip, we're using Bomgar as we escalate many/most of our chats to remote support so bomgar isn't going to work for us at the moment. Be very interested if that changed though.

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