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Everything posted by Berto2002

  1. I want to be able to share a change calendar view to my customers so they know when the IT changes will affect them. This will help us cut-down on email notifications. Because our systems are almost always available, our organisation management want to know when they won't be; so we initiated comms for MI's and comms for changes (we use the Request UI to send templated comms to email addresses representing O365 groups which align with Subscriber lists). However, of course now we get the feedback that we send too many emails! One part of that solution was to request Hornbill give us an option to update people via something other than email which applies to Updates and the UI manual send: But another part of the solution could be to give people a place to see planned service outages and impacts then they could opt out of emails and just get in the habit of checking there. You know, like publish our forward schedule of change to our customer stakeholders, kinda a new idea, right...? I know there is a Service Availability feature but that tends to be a "right now it's down" thing rather than "we're planning this for 6 weeks' time". Almost everything is in place except the Change Calendar is restricted to Full licenced Service Manager users only. The request is for: A Change Calendar view that is configurable to be made available on the employee and customer portals Any given Change will be visible if the User who is looking is in the Subscriber Group for that Service We can control what information is revealed by checking boxes or selecting fields. For example, scheduled date/time is obvious but HB customers may have different ways of capturing and reviewing impact/disruption information. We would opt for a customer-facing piece of text likely to be stored in a custom field for example. Others may want to reveal the impact score from the assessment or a binary outage yes/no option. Some customers may also want to reveal contact points and others not There should be a core field in the Change Request configuration of customer visibility for the Request I hope others also think this is a useful suggestion. At the moment, we are stuck with trying to get a Power BI version of this going but because the Subscribers are not integrated it looks like the best we can do is reveal all changes with a custom value representing customer visibility and let people figure out themselves which will affect them.
  2. We have the concept of Standard Changes and each goes through fast-path build and authorisation stages based on a prior-implemented, successful, full Change Request. We store the list of agreed std chgs in a simplelist with the Value as the original CH record. When we raise the new std chg (by selecting the type from the drop-down simplelist), I want the BPM to link the new CH record to the original CH record (value from the simplelist). This could be achieved if there was a "Link Request" option in the menu below. Similarly, you might like to have an "Unlink Request" option. In short, there are no options in BPM to link requests so we rely on the "create linked request" in BPM and action button in the UI.
  3. Hi folks, My role is Incident, Problem and Change Manager but I am also primary administrator for Hornbill; badged as "velocITy" internally. It's great to have control over the process and tool for my job! Although the team started-out thinking admins would be truly distributed, in reality, unless one is immersed regularly in it or the type of thinking comes naturally, it's hard for others to pick-up competence. I basically do everything when possible (and all the BPM work) but we have others with emerging capabilities in the following areas: Service Desk Manager leading on IC forms to enhance customer experience and data capture. Always consults me in case of data pass-through issues to BPM. They have access to admins and went through Hornbill training to act in emergencies A Service Desk analyst acting as my padawan as part of their personal development plan. They poll Sdesk colleagues regularly for CSI opportunities and we're using that as training and that also covers the checks/housekeeping, He's been called "baby Rob" Operations Manager and Service Transition Manager. Both have access to admins and went through Hornbill training to act in emergencies / can report issues to Support. They assist with Reporting engine IT Procurement 'team' manage the Supplier and Contract data Applications Product Managers manage some of the data in Service Portfolio which affects their Application Portfolio Management report Apps triage and Sdesk analysts update bulletins and Categories/Profiles Two of the infra team share the procedures and knowledge about the Import scripts, API, Keysafe, scheduler, AD Groups, Teams and O365 integration Software Licence and Asset Manager manages all the Asset data and leads me on how BPMs should interface with them (we have BPM-driven asset creation, assignment and status change steps) Stats (approx): 133 Service Portfolio entries 400 Cat Items 45 active BPMs 100 Active IC forms 3000 Requests processed per month (including those 'spawned' from each other) 40 active reports; some feeding 10 Power BI visual pages 2000 Customers (that's the no. of staff of our org, sync'd in through AD when created and archived by BPM when they leave) 40 external organisations (schools, etc) with approx 150 contacts where we provide some level of service 10 inbound email routing rules and rule templates to bring-in tickets (Our Sdesk are 100% online only; no email and no phone) 4 Teams channel integrations: Major Incidents, Change, Security, Problem, BaU 50 Organisation Groups (used as Subscribers Groups, sync from O365) 25 Teams for Request assignments 74 ICT Full Users and 20 additional Collabs Examples of planned developments / expansions: On-boarding HR team to handle all HR queries Councillor Case Management process Entrance Hall process (ICT new demand) TDA (Technical Design Authority) IT architect process How do we manage? I try to opt for an iterative CSI approach most of the time and all alterations get logged on a OneNote file so we can always see who did it and when. If we fail we fix fast. Average one BPM fail a fortnight think; usually due to bad data! We have some standard changes for known BPM/IC combo alterations such as adding a new line of business application to all the starter, leaver, mover and name change flows We use Change Management for complex functionality released; including use of a test service to run UAT with stakeholders I have a document that captures all the types of BPM fails we've had for the last two years so colleagues can always search in my absence. Each is explained in terms of the logic of troubleshooting and what was done to fix in the past. Gives them a fighting chance if I am away The more complex procedures are all written down and some of the solutions have documents too; like how the whole of Councillor Case Management hangs together We have documents that cover things like custom field use for each BPM, what the custom fields in each SM element are assigned to, etc; these really help Hope that's useful. Was useful for me to summarise at this time of year for annual review (local authority, no bonus tho...)
  4. Very useful for Leavers is "Remove User from All Organisations"...
  5. We are up and running with the API Scheduler. Learning points: APIs are precise: for example, order and case matter Issues may be caused by seemingly unrelated aspects such as requestType case being wrong may still log a request but not populate other fields Forums are useful and people help! Thanks everyone!
  6. I guess my suggestion would be to have how this works documented on the Wiki. I could not find much about this except the source row on the DB tables.
  7. This is all a bit weird but this is what I hear: The system does have default values for Source It adds them to records according to a formula out-of-the box But you can't edit the values or rules because there's no UI interface to access the values But you can use the API or update Request nodes to put any <=32 char value in there per Request So for the API Scheduler I am going to "make up and use" the value of "API Scheduler". OK
  8. I think it would be a productivity boost to have the 'top bar', Action bar and 'information' box of Request permanently visible when scrolling down the Request. My own preference is for a "pin" arrangement where each user can choose which of the 3 to have fixed; but perhaps with a default of the header being fixed. Reasons: Users often have multiple Requests open in various viewing positions and when flipping between them on tabs, they always have to scroll to the top to see which request we're acting upon When viewing the timeline the analyst always has to scroll up to see the activities When viewing anything further down, we lose sight of the status, sub-status, SLA, service, cat item, assignee and have to go up to the top to see them The enhancement would mean all the actionable sections (action bar and activities) are always accessible at any time to the analyst, regardless of how far down they have scrolled; they can act referencing the timeline item they have just seen
  9. So if I create a list called "Source" does that take-over the job of defining the Sources? Or has Martyn got a special case there? Or how else do I alter/add the Sources that can be used by the API Scheduler please?
  10. Interesting. We have no such list! @Steve Giller could you please point me in the direction of the location of where the Request Source can be viewed/modified?
  11. @Martyn Houghton can you please help with where the Source is set; obvs cannot edit in DB direct. When I search for Source in the UI and Wiki I get nothing useful... Thanks in advance!
  12. I think I am seeing a similar thing: BPMs are not being picked-up when we have inbound emails pointing to the inbound templates. I am investigating. @James Ainsworth may be worth a gander in case something is going wrong.
  13. @Martyn Houghton Hi. We're really struggling to get this to do what it is supposed to do. I gather you have this working? We can get it to create a Request but we cannot get that assigned to a Customer and nor can we get a particular BPM to engage. Any chance you can please send me an example of one of your working configuration files (or paste here) so we can critically review it against ours, please?
  14. Hi @samwoo we have not but we want to so adding myself to this thread.
  15. @Steve Giller ok so we corrected to "requestType" and we added-in customerType (value "0" for Co-worker) but no change I'm afraid; it's still not allocating a Customer to the Request.
  16. I try to edit an existing View but the text and settings cog goes white making it REALLY hard to click in the right place. Please correct this colour palette issue.
  17. We have an information screen at the start that advises managers of the information they need before they start filling it in and suggests they go away and get that information before they start so they can log it all in one go. We also alter our forms quite regularly so the point Gerry makes above about currency is very important. If we offered a 'save form' option but that form data would always be erased if we updated the IC configuration in the background (e.g. to fix a BPM error) then our users would be even more upset that the feature 'doesn't save for long'...
  18. I'll have a hunt around. I think you mean to try to find a suitable value to put in to represent this which is from the User's record in the User and Guest Access area of the GUI: If you have the exact field name / table handy or where to find suitable values let me know... I know it's not in the h_sys_accounts table... h_sys_app_users has a list of my Users of that type...
  19. @Steve Giller we altered the customerID that we are passing through to our lead tech who IS in that ICT and Digital OG. Sorry I did not tell you but 'Trudi' is not the one we are using here. We don't want these 'back-end / internal' cat items to be exposed to users. If I recall correctly, Subscriptions do work, even if the Manage Catalog Visibility options mask them from the portal; we use that in other areas to have Users' requests 'spawn back-end tickets for internal actions. I'm wondering whether "customerId" needs to be something like "urn:sys:user:FirstSecond@domain.gov.uk".
  20. @Steve Giller . We removed the bpmName and the BPM that was assigned was the one set as the workflow in the Service Request Configuration for that Service. The user we used is a subscriber to that Service (via being in a group) but the Customer still did not stick. Can you help us further? API stuff below. Also, can you please clarify a previous statement: "The bpmName parameter is described as The custom BPM Name when raising a request via a customised Service Catalog where your API appears to be using an actual Catalog Item". What is a customised Service Catalog and how would I use that so I can specify the bpmName? "Schedule": [{ "Enabled": true, "CronSchedule": "0 41 10 * * 0-6", "DayOfMonthANDDayOfWeek":false, "ScheduleFrom": "2023-06-06T00:00:00.000Z", "ScheduleTo": "2030-06-09T00:00:00.000Z", "Service": "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests", "API": "logServiceRequest", "APIParams":{ "0": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"summary", "Content":"SENDIAS AA Teams Stats" }, "1": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"description", "Content":"SENDIAS AA Teams Stats to REDACTED. Run the Power BI Desktop AA application" }, "2": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"RequestType", "Content":"Service Request" }, "3": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"customerId", "Content":"REDACTED" }, "4": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"teamId", "Content":"ICT_Infrastructure" }, "5": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"serviceId", "Content":"133" }, "6": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogId", "Content":"1089" }, "7": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogName", "Content":"API: Infrastructure Scheduled Requests" } } }, { "Enabled": true, "CronSchedule": "0 41 10 * * 0-6", "DayOfMonthANDDayOfWeek":false, "ScheduleFrom": "2023-02-09T00:00:00.000Z", "ScheduleTo": "2030-02-09T00:00:00.000Z", "Service": "apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/ServiceRequests", "API": "logServiceRequest", "APIParams":{ "0": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"summary", "Content":"Send Everyone Email list update" }, "1": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"description", "Content":"send everyone email csv to REDACTED" }, "2": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"RequestType", "Content":"Service Request" }, "3": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"customerId", "Content":"REDACTED" }, "4": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"teamId", "Content":"ICT_Infrastructure" }, "5": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"serviceId", "Content":"133" }, "6": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogId", "Content":"1089" }, "7": { "Type":"Content", "Parameter":"catalogName", "Content":"API: Infrastructure Scheduled Requests" } } } ] }
  21. @Steve Giller could you see a way by which string utils (or similar) to be used to detect these exact characters ("smart quotes") and replace them in the BPM, acting like a find and replace?
  22. @Steve Giller the main issue I am reporting is that the HB GUI is clearly handling these correctly (readably), as is the reporting data preview but the csv output is not. Would you not consider this an issue? If not, how can I prevent such chars ending in reporting?
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