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Posts posted by HHH

  1. Hi 

    We just set up a CI where staff can raise suggestions for making improvements in forms and processes for our instance of Hornbill.

    This is set up as a separate service which has our Hornbill admin team as supporting team and the rest of the staff as subscribers.

    When testing our staff cannot raise requests for this service from "within", only through the portal. Is this due to them only being subscribers and not part of the supporting team?

    How should we set up this to allow for staff to raise tickets but only our admin team to work with them?

  2. Hi

    I'm setting up a new business process and want to auto assign requests using a specific CI to a specific team.

    In the Business Process designer there is a Custom Expression "Flowcodes->Catalog Item Id" that I want to use.

    Where can I find this ID or would it be better to use "Flowcodes->Catalog Item"?

    If the latter, is it the title?

  3. 11 minutes ago, MikaP said:

    I tried to change translation to one service, but it seems not working at the moment.



    I noticed that the check done before saving a string in a catalogue item is case insensitive.

    So if I want to change "hello" to "Hello" I need to first change the string by adding or deleting characters and then again with the proper case.

    So for the above, I would need to for example change "hello" to "Helloo" and then "Helloo" to "Hello".

  4. Just a want to make sure I'm thinking correctly.

    When setting up response and resolution timers in the Business process and I for example have an SLA that says 1h response and 6h resolution, I should start both timers simultaneously and stop them at the appropriate places in the BP.

    So it should be: start response - start resolution - do respond stuff - stop response - do other stuff and resolve - stop resolution

    Not: start response - do respond stuff - stop response - start resolution - do other stuff and resolve - stop resoultion


  5. A possible bug in custom forms in Progressive Capture.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Add a custom form to Progressive Capture that has a field of type label.

    2. Add a default value in English.

    3. Switch to another language and enter translation of default value.

    4. Switch back to English

    Expected behavior: English text is shown.

    Actual behavior: Home made translation is shown.

    If I then add English again and switch over to the translated language the last entered text remains despite language.


    1. English text


    2. Swedish translation


    3. Back to English after editing text



  6. On 12/20/2017 at 10:41 AM, Gerry said:

    It would be good to get a better understanding of the nature of the reports you are talking about? 


    It would be mainly monthly reports with respect to number of requests opened and closed by the customer organisation, showing priorities, request categories, SLA breachies and similiar.

    Basically we would like to be able to create a report in the reporting tool, flag it as being for a specific customer organisation and have it available through the portal when someone (specified) in that organisation logs in.

  7. On 11/28/2017 at 6:15 PM, Martyn Houghton said:


    At the moment I do not think you can do this via a user accessible tool/process. I know this step had to be done by Hornbill for us in the initial Switch On Service but is something we will need the ability to do ourselves as well, as we merge in other Service Desks.




    @Hornbill Staff

    Are there any plans to allow portal access and passwords to be done in bulk? We have over 1500 external customers in the pipline and the way it's done now will be a massive workload.

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  8. I just want some advice and recommendations on how we can handle our customers who have a three layer structure so to say.

    Structure is Company -> Branches -> Contact where the contacts can either belong to the different branches or to the overall company itself.

    They may have branch staff that creates requests and should only be able to see their branch's requests and also company staff that should be able to see requests from the whole company.

    Any ideas?


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