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Posts posted by Smurfy

  1. I have set feedback (star rating and questions) on our main Service portfolio. This works fine, however, there are some scenarios (certain processes) where I don't want the user to get the pop up feedback form.

    Is there a way to do this other than run those processes through a different service portfolio? I want them all on the same one really.

    I did try a "suspend on customer feedback" and give it a 1 min expiry window, however, it seems even doing that meaning the feedback "now expired" still when it hits the end process node the feedback is popping up.  If its expired why would it allow the user to still put feedback one? I'm probably not understanding this right :( 

    I did notice a "feedback not required" outcome - I would like to be able to use that variable somewhere in my process to kill the popup at then end.


  2. Hi

    I use "create a new ticket" a lot. This time I want to create a new ticket in a process but I want to copy any attachments they have added (I may have asked for this before)
    So the PCF asks for an image /screenshot but I don't have a box to select "copy image / attachment"

    Please can this be added as an option. Thanks



  3. Hi

    I have had a few requests to show the asset id in the request list (in a dedicated column) I can see that linking multiple assets may make this messy but in the main we only link one.

    Is it possible to look at having either a column dedicated to the asset id result/s or being able to pull the results from the asset form in the PCF into a custom field.
    I don't want to use a custom form in the PCF as I want users to be able to link it and for it to still show in the asset section on the ticket.

  4. We would like to display some of the other fields from the asset information on a ticket where the asset is linked. So at the moment it has the asset, type, class and Tag. Is there a way we can configure this to show some other fields? I know we can click the asset to look at all the fields but we would like at least one field ("notes" we may use) to be viewable directly from a ticket.

    Is that possible?


  5. Thanks Steve
    I see your point but if you could filter like I mention above then I'm not sure it would be an issue. If I had to many on my "closed" follow list then I could unfollow manually when I was happy I know longer needed to follow it.

    The issue my colleagues are having is they like to follow what they have an interest in but when it closes they then cant find it easily. 


  6. Thanks for coming back to me Steve.

    So we have one form asking the user to search and select their asset. Or CMDB is not the most up-to-date so sometimes they have to go to "all assets" Its there where I only want to show 3 Classes.
    They would only ever have a laptop, mobile device or printer. Everything else is infrastructure and not relevant to a user so they would have no need to display them and cause confusion.

  7. Hi there

    I've had a request. Some engineers "follow calls" they use the I am following list to see them. The issue they have is once its closed its gone - its useful for them to see that its closed.
    I think they can tick the notification in their personal settings but they would much rather be able to see a list and select those closed.

    Is there a way for it to be configured so you can choose from the headers whether you want to see closed as well as the other headers available currently?


  8. Hi 

    I have no idea if this would be possible or if its been asked before.

    I have created quite a few shared views for out Team leaders and Section Managers which means quite a long list.
    I wondered if it would be possible to give a facility for people to create a shared folder/s to add the views too - just to keep things tidy and perhaps enable a way to categorise views.

  9. Hi

    Is it possible to have a column that's added for access in the reporting that has the logged analysts username rather than ID?

    So a bit like "resolved by username" I would like a "logged by username" or "created b username" At the moment all I can find is a "created by" which (maybe how we are set up) is just the analysts employee number. 
    I note that Close by, resolve by and re-opened by all have a "username" option in the reporting.

    Is this possible?

    (It would be good to be able to add it into columns in the request lists too. )


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