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Notify external organisation manager on certain triggers


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Hello all,

We are currently in a situation where we would like all employees of an organisation to be able to log requests but also have the manager (the organisation manager who has the rights to view all requests of an organisation) get notified whenever one of these requests get created.

Also, whenever a certain decision has to be made for these organisations one of their managers should be able to easily be requested by us to either approve or deny a certain change/order/request.

Is this currently possible with external customers? 



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Hi Alex,

Thanks for your post.  For external customers (contacts) there is the ability for selected contacts from each external organization to be given the rights to view all of the organization's requests.  This can be done by accessing the organisation record and on the list of requests associated to the organisation there is an option to select which users have access to all the organization's requests.  Only contacts that have been configured for access to the customer portal will be listed here. Simply click on the Organization View slider and then this user will be presented with an additional view in the customer portal where they can view all organisation requests from the main All Requests list and also within each service.

save image

I will have to look into options for sending email notifications to these contacts that have access to all the organisation requests.

The authorization feature of Hornbill is available for full users of Hornbill. Access to the full Hornbill client or Hornbill Mobile app is required to use these authorizations.  For any form of approval that is directed to external contacts, an approval email template could be created and used and the responses to these emails can be added to the request.



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Hi @Alex8000

Following on from what James has described above, one option which is available to you is as follows.

1. Against your external organisation you can add custom fields (using the form designer).  In one of these fields you can include the email address of the contact at the organisation that you want to be notified if anyone at that organisation raises requests with you.

2. Once you have the email address held in a custom field, you can use that value in the business process as a variable 

3. In the BPM designer you will need to insert an Entity > Requests > Get Request Information > Organisation Details node in front of an Entity > Requests > Email Notification > Email External Address node.

4. In the above node, in the External Address option, you can reference the custom field which holds the email address for the user you want to be notified from the organisation record.  In my example below this is held in custom 5, but you just need to take note of which custom field it is when you are configuring the field on the organisation record. 

5. Configure the mailbox and template you want to be sent as required.

Screen Shot 2016-10-28 at 07.28.49.png

In relation to the authorisation aspect as James mentions above only Hornbill collaborators, can be sent authorisation tasks from the BPM and for them to be able approve or reject and for this to move the process on.  If as i suspect you are supporting external organisations then their Contact's would not have access to this.  What you could use is the above, where you get to a certain stage in the process, you could use the Email External Address node to send an email to the email address held in the custom field for the authoriser (with the email template including variables from the request), which they can respond too, it would require a manual interaction to progress the BPM again once the email response is received.   I would suggest that the email is fired, and then a human task is created with two outcomes, Approved or Rejected which the analyst looking after the request selects depending on the response received via email.

Hopefully this gives you a couple of ideas?



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