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Show a confirmation dialog if Esc key is pressed

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We've had some feedback that hitting the Esc key whilst adding an update to a request clears the entire entry field. As one of my colleagues puts it, "no undo, no takesies backsies".

Please could we have a popup to warn the user that all their work is about to be file-13'd so they have the option to cancel this action if they hit Esc by accident.

I suspect there may be more entry fields where this happens, so having a global safeguard on entry fields for the Esc key would be our request.

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@Gareth Cantrell

I have added my comments internally, I have myself been victim to this particular annoyance from time to time, so understand exactly the frustration. I have asked the team to consider your suggestion or an alternative option to ensure there is a way of reversing the accidental escape key press. In this case my comments relate to post/comments in timelines as other fields I am aware of do not have that same behaviour. 


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