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Using h_custom_21 to capture a start / end date for a period but doesnt show in output reports?

Adrian Simpkins

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Hi All

I have a custom field set in one of our processes to capture a start / end date and set this to h_custom_21 but I have noticed the field is blank in a report we output. When checking the mapping customised fields wiki it does state the date fields are only suitable for a single date/time stamp so I am presuming I need to set this to another generic custom field instead to be able to output the 2 dates captured?

Many thanks


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Hi Adrian,

Thanks for your post. 
SQL fields of type DATETIME can only hold a single date.  Specific formats are required for date fields so that date functions can be applied against them.  A single field that contains two dates would required a VARCHAR field.  You just need to keep in mind that date functions can't be used on varchar fields. 

I hope that helps.

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