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Manage Executed Workflows lists - lifetime of entries?


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1) We have a ticket showing in our 'Completed' processes list, where the call shows the last timeline entry as 'The status has been set to Closed by the Business Process Engine' on 01/09/2023.
When will it disappear from this list? - I had understood this should be about 30 days.

2) Where we have a new version of a process, can I assume it is okay to deactivate the previous version, even if it still has calls showing against it, as Running, Suspended, Completed or whatever?
(I see from other posts probably not okay to delete an old process that still has calls against it, but not sure I fully understand why, as the process associated with a call is its very own version, including progress through it).

Thanks, Jill.

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@Steve Giller maybe JJack has a different question but mine is:

In the example you showed the screenshot of, if I deactivate v10 (so we have no Active Version of that Workflow at all), will Requests with prior versions (1-9 in this case) continue to run uninterrupted? I seem to recall about 2 years ago, when I first started, I did exactly this on a Change BPM (It ran into an error publishing as it had too many versions - an issue you've since fixed) and all my inflight Change Requests with previous versions stopped working so I had to re-activate the BPM and leave it. I am after confirmation that issue was rectified.

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  • 5 months later...

I've found this to be chore so I have scripted it. I will mention this does use undocumented API's so how long it works for depends on if Hornbill make changes etc. But I had multiple thousands to remove and wasn't a fan of 20 at a time manually

also makes use of the Hornbill API Module here PowerShell Gallery | HornbillAPI 1.3.0

feel free to save yourselves a chore :) bare in mind this only looks at completed processes 




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