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Auto log emails into service manager and pull through email address as customer


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Currently playing around with azure alerts and getting this auto logged - which we have but as an unknown user and relying on a manual task of updating the customer to the end user.


Within the email thats being logged is the email address of the user (which will marry up to a customer), how do i get the auto logging/business process to look for the email address in the body of the email and turn that into the customer? (if its possible?)

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Hi @danb,

Within the BP it is possible to get hold of the email (in a similar way to accessing the Progressive/Intelligent Capture) and then using Regular Expressions to lift out the email address from the email content.

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The issue you might then face is that you can only get details of a user using one of the the three following criteria:


If you store the email address as one of these (or you can manipulate the email address to produce a login ID) then great, otherwise you might need to rethink. You can't find a user based on their email address, presumably as that field does not enforce unique values.

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Expanding on the above, if the Customer is a User (Full or Basic) and their User ID happens to be their email address, you can simply set the Customer using that.

If the Customer is a User (Full or Basic) and their email address matches either their Login ID or Employee ID, you can get the User Details using that, and then update the Customer from the User ID output by the User Details.

If the Customer is a Contact and their Login ID happens to be their email address, you can get the Contact Details using that, and update the Customer using the Contact ID output by the Contact Details.

Outside of those scenarios it's going to remain a manual process.

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