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auto escalation board - entirely full...

Claire Holtham

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Our 'Breach board' that is used by the auto escalation board config on the SLA's is absolutely full (it's never been cleared out). This makes the page painfully slow to open, and I cannot view memberships 

How can I bulk clear it down? 

Also (and this may be normal) although I can see it by going Service manager / boards I cannot see it in the 'Board Manager' application. Is that normal?

Hoping these are easy questions...


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5 minutes ago, Claire Holtham said:

Also (and this may be normal) although I can see it by going Service manager / boards I cannot see it in the 'Board Manager' application. Is that normal?

That's the easy question - so I'll answer that one.

Yes, perfectly normal. There are two types of Boards - Service Manager boards, which are part of the Service Manager application, and Board Manager boards which are separate and a part of the Board Manager application.


Moving forward I would recommend that any Request that may have been placed on the Breach Board has a section in the workflow that checks whether it's on the Board and removes the Card before closing if so, but I can't advise on bulk cleardowns - I'll get someone else to comment on this.


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To do a bulk clear-down I think I was once advised to simply Remove the column in the Board and then re-add it with the same name. All the cards in the column then no longer show. Since the BPMs use the column name, the service is uninterrupted (assuming no card movement happens in the removed period). You might find a forum post about this if you look.

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