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Email attachment from PC to user in process node


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We would like it if a customer attached a file during the Intelligent/Progressive Capture page, that we could send that attachment as part of an email node in the process as we have some people that made need to review the attachment without them having a license as they are in another department that don't use Hornbill.

I can send the text but not the attachment.

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The problem is, I don't know who will be looking at these requests as it's a team, so could be up to 30 names and can't add them all as connections for each request.

It would be simpler to have the attachment logged so I can use it in the email node like you can do with the answers the customer provides in the capture stage.

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39 minutes ago, AmyW said:

so could be up to 30 names and can't add them all as connections for each request

You can! There's an "Add Connection" node that could automate this. It would take a bit of Business Process editing, but I imagine that would be more achievable than the additional licenses that would give the Team automatic visibility of the Requests.

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