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Everything posted by AmyW

  1. You could also add an update to the timeline when the autotask is used and then run a report on the requests that have that update to the timeline
  2. If the updates are on the timeline, you maybe able to use the table - h_buz_activities to narrow down your search parameters, you will need to use a SQL Scheme Designer report option. IF you want certain fields, you may have to link the table to other tables but the majority of what you may need is in this table. I joined the table with the Requests table You may be able to do other methods but this is what I used to narrow down who was assigning requests to a certain team.
  3. Can the priority be set if the answer is a date and I want the priority to be based on this. For example, Question - When do you like the work to be completed by? Answer - Enter Date If the date is the current month = set the priority to Major etc
  4. It would be nice that you could set the ordering on your views, whether it's the standard views from Hornbill or the custom views that someone has created. We sort by priority but sometimes the sorting gets removed when clearing cache or changing certain things and we have to put the ordering back on that view. It would be nice to not have to do this and it's there for everyone who uses that custom view or for the user if it's the standard views
  5. Do previously stuck on holds have to be actioned manually or can something be done to go back and refresh the step?
  6. It seems that any that were stuck yesterday can now be manually taken off hold and those that should open today have so far opened on time
  7. We have requests that were due to open today between 6am and now and they haven't opened as planned, when you try to open these manually, you get an error message so cannot even do this manually. It seems to be only since the update today
  8. I think this would be helpful to us as well to have a setting to allow us to receive updates on a request that we "own", regardless of who adds the update, I have had a request on hold and the person updated the request as an update as an agent than as the customer so didn't reopen the request or alert me that a request had an update on it
  9. Ours wouldn't involve the document library as it will be a screenshot of an issue they are having trouble with so could be number of things wrong, so would be an attachment they provide during the capture stages, but a similar issue.
  10. It would be an attachment, surely it would be similar to a large text box as the answers provided by the customer in the capture are logged to be used in a process so couldn't the attachment have a similar logging process so it can be referred to in the process. It wouldn't need to look at name of the attachment because it has it's own form in the capture that we could give it's own code (like fields do) and then reference that in an email to pull up what has been uploaded by the customer
  11. We would like it if we could have a feature that allows us to send an attachment along with the answers received during the intelligent capture in an email process node. You can do this manually via the email action button but we would like it to happen during a process node. I have raised this yesterday and have gotten some workarounds but they aren't what we are after and would be easier to have it emailed like the text is able to do.
  12. Hi, The problem is, I don't know who will be looking at these requests as it's a team, so could be up to 30 names and can't add them all as connections for each request. It would be simpler to have the attachment logged so I can use it in the email node like you can do with the answers the customer provides in the capture stage.
  13. We would like it if a customer attached a file during the Intelligent/Progressive Capture page, that we could send that attachment as part of an email node in the process as we have some people that made need to review the attachment without them having a license as they are in another department that don't use Hornbill. I can send the text but not the attachment.
  14. I have tried to reset my own password and I get the same message, I have tried to reset my password within seconds of the password email being generated
  15. Hi, I can usually see the updates for the Service Manager updates with what has been implemented, changed and fixed but for the latest 2 updates, it's not showing what has happened, it just shows me the screenshots of the system Is anyone else getting this? I have tried the old appearance of Admin and it doesn't seem to be on there as well.
  16. We think this is helpful as well, maybe not an email notification but it appear in the alarm bell like what happens when you use the @NAME feature.
  17. We have a team in Hornbill that gets assigned requests where they don't know who should have the request and then they are reviewed and moved on. For training purposes we would like to know who to get a report of who is assigning the requests to this particular team. I have tried to create a report and I can identify the requests that have been assigned to that team using the table "H_itsm_request_team_assignment" however I cannot seem to find a field or table that can tell me who actually assigned it to the team in the first place. It is logged on our timeline of that request, is anyone able to help me?
  18. It would also be helpful to us to enable our customers to escalate a request so that it can possibly alert more people than just the owner in case they aren't available, it will also help reduce the customer ringing us to escalate requests as well
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