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Dealing with major incidents

lee mcdermott

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Not sure if I have asked this before, but I am just curious how people deal with major incdents\major outages etc from a point of view of logging an incident, setting a priority, having 1 master call maybe as your main major incident call then linking all other calls logged against that one master one?

Do you then raise a problem off the back of that incident once systems are backup?

How do you then ensure all relevant staff\teams are made aware of that major incident?


We are looking to improve our processes and just wondered how people dealt with these issues within Hornbill and generally from the comms side?





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Hi Lee, we are quite new to Hornbill (live in July) but the process we have is as follows:

Analyst or self-service user logs P1
We then use a custom button / autotask combo to perform the following actions:

  • Increase priority to Major Incident 
  • Email the customer to let them know we have increased the priority to major incident and they are now an Impacted Connection on their original ticket
  • Change the customer on the ticket to IT Service Desk, doing this means the original customer does not get bombarded with lots of ticket updates / emails but can still see the updates
  • Send an email to external dist list of Service Managers
  • Sends a message to Slack via iBridge integration, informing the whole IT department of the issue
  • Create a Teams channel under our Major Incident Team so we can focus internal technical comms with those fixing the issue and use it for audit purposes if needed

Comms to the wider business is sent separately via email at the moment.

All subsequent customers affected by the issue get added as an Impacted customer, which means we only have one ticket to update.  If it happens that other tickets are logged, we link the ticket to the MI, add user as a connection then close it using standard text saved in a Snippet.

We don't use Problem Management at the moment.

There are a couple of suggestions floating around the forum that would really help with this process, please give them a +1 if you feel they'll help you too:

1 . Being able to use the "affects me too" functionality on incidents (only currently available in Problem I believe):

2. Being able to see which tickets a user is a Connection of:

Good luck!

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@Sam P


thanks for the response Sam, thats great.

Do you do any automatic update as part of your Business process to updates your teams channel or is that a manual (separate from hornbill process)?

is your Send an email to external dist list of Service Managers done via Hornbill or again separately?




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