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I have been playing around with SLAs and have been able to start a response timer but get the below when trying to stop it.



 Transaction Id: 20dd72b727a74eff96a850bc2fe99667
      Timestamp: 2020-06-09 09:40:05Z
   Node/Process: mdh-p01-node4 / Esp.wshft.ServerService (processId=8248)
   Request Type: xmlmc
   Request Name: apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/bpmOperation/markRequestResponseTimer (time taken: 134057uS)
     API Result: failed
Session/User ID: U2020060947054358 / kesout
----------------------------------------------------------------< Log >------------------------------------------------------------------
   0.008114s [INFO]:[GENERAL] Invocations (52ef0f01-dcbf-49c9-9777-5214c2044098): apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/bpmOperation/markRequestResponseTimer
   0.012352s [INFO]:[PROFILE] Method Call: apps::markRequestResponseTimer (6410085483)
   0.040503s [INFO]:[SECURITY] Session cloned. Original: U2020060947054358, Cloned Session: 'U2020060947054362', User: 'kesout', Tag: ResumeSession
   0.124589s [WARNING]:[COMMS] Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests::markResponse] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/markResponse): nodeName: Calculate Within Response; nodeId: c17a798b-50d3-4f78-985e-20b9a1ae51ee; At 807/1: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'row' of undefined"
   0.126853s [ERROR]:[SCRIPT] nodeName: Call Request Mark Response Time; nodeId: 382453e7-c551-4afd-9054-d4aa7e5b0277; At 97/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests::markResponse] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/markResponse): nodeName: Calculate Within Response; nodeId: c17a798b-50d3-4f78-985e-20b9a1ae51ee; At 807/1: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'row' of undefined"
   0.132639s [WARNING]:[SYSTEM] XMLMC Request Failed: FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/flowcode/fc_bpm/markRequestResponseTimer): nodeName: Call Request Mark Response Time; nodeId: 382453e7-c551-4afd-9054-d4aa7e5b0277; At 97/1: "Uncaught EspMethodCall::invoke: Operation[apps/com.hornbill.servicemanager/Requests::markResponse] FlowCode Exception (com.hornbill.servicemanager/entities/Requests/fc_ops/markResponse): nodeName: Calculate Within Response; nodeId: c17a798b-50d3-4f78-985e-20b9a1ae51ee; At 807/1: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'row' of undefined"
   0.132665s [ERROR]:[PROFILE] apps::markRequestResponseTimer() Method call results: failure (284303360 B, 123 ms, -92 kB, 0 ms, 0 kB)



@Steven Boardman

We are using the new configuration. I have set up a Service Level Agreement. Added rules and linked services. I can start the response timer in the BPM and this displays correctly on the request.


However when I use the auto task to Mark Response Time it displays the error.


@Kelvin ah ok, so it is not the same request business process which you are using the Stop Response Timer operation in, but a custom button on the request form, which is running an auto-task process which has that option in it?   

Is that correct?  

Or do you mean auto task in the sense of  theHornbill Automation >  Application > Timer > Mark Response Timer option from within the business process running on your request?


@Steven Boardman I have just sent you a message with the BPM definition.

I think its a standard BP that uses a Hornbill Automation > Hornbill Service Manager > Application > Timer > Mark Response Time

With these new SLAs is there a different node to stop the response timer?


@Kelvin in your Stop Responser Timer node, if you set the RequestID to Auto rather than ignore i think this should do the trick


You will need to do the same for the Stop Resolve Timer requestid field as well 


Let us know how you get on

  • Thanks 1

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