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Service Request Dashboard Chart Bug.


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Hi All,

I believe the following is a BUG but there doesn't appear to be the option to log this in the service portal.

I have created two charts based on a request view in service manager, when previewing the charts the data's correct, when viewing them in the dashboard vie the data does not seem to reflect the criteria set against the view.

The problem seems to be using the "Raised On" condition, if this is set to "Previous Month" it doesn't work, if set to last 30 days it works. Its very odd.

Screenshots shown below,

View Criteria: (Returns 94 total requests)



Chart Preview (Shows 94 requests correctly):




Dashboard View: Shows incorrect data, there should only be 94 requests in total but the following is showing 363, when the segments of the chart are clicked, the drill down data is correct. as an example, there is currently 1 request in "Not Set" not 13.











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6 hours ago, Adambingley said:

I believe the following is a BUG but there doesn't appear to be the option to log this in the service portal.

Hi Adam,

Posting this as you have done, does give us visibility of your issue.  The options that you have to raise a defect directly with us will depend on the Support Plan that you have as described here.

Posting in the Community does offer feedback not just from Hornbill staff, but also from our many active customers.  Often customers with a Support Plan still use the community as a starting point for their questions.


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Hi Adam,

One of our developers have investigated the issue and found some discrepancy with the criteria being applied to the chart compared to the preview or drill down.  This should be corrected and made available over the next few weeks as part of a Service Manager update.

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