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Breached per user per year


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Afternoon all,

I am trying to get a measure to run to show me the percentage of tickets a user has let breach response and also the same for resolve, However no matter what i do if i add the user in i cannot get the measure to come back with anything.

I already have one running for IN and SR each month for the department, The below shows response outside SLA for the month


So i figured that i just had to change the frequency to year and add a bit in the query to say AND h_resolvedby_username = 'username' But this just keeps bringing back 0 as the results.

Any idea?

Many thanks

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Hi @yelyah.nodrog

If you change the frequency from Yearly to something far shorter (e.g. Weekly) do you get results? A yearly sample would only show stats from the last full year and before, so would not return stats for any tickets resolved in 2019. So this is also dependant on the user you are testing this with, and when they started resolving cals. 

Sometimes to troubleshoot, you can also use Database Direct to run a select statement to ensure that the WHERE clause that is being used is valid and returning data. If you arn't comfortable doing this, send me the name of the Measure and I'll have a look for you.

Kind Regards


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