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Feature Request: convert IN to SR

Dave Read

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Hi all, as simple as that really.... additional button to trigger a conversion of an Incident to a Service Request


  • the front-end of our self-service could possibly have a refresh to allow a Pareto-esque channelling of staff logging calls in the correct way with bespoke and specific choices based on historical calls of the last 9 months since initial implementation of Hornbill from Supportworks.
  • staff are logging a high volume calls inappropriately as Incidents as that's the first item in the queue
  • once a call's logged as an Incident, it appears there's no way to mid-process-engine convert to a Service Request
  • the time wasted in relogging calls is very draining on resources and although our performance metrics are great, there's a gaping mound of efficiencies that could be cleared down.
  • we take many requests that are far from broken items; folder permissioning, mobile device config, social service system requests, purchasing, New Users , website updates etc etc  (plus other directorates are on the Hornbill bandwaggon in a *big* way, but these are items we don't see)
  • we have a tight 1 day SLA on incidents that's being hampered by having to relog calls all day long

could there be a way to have an additional icon

  1. close Incident emailing user what's happening
  2. log service request copying salient
  3. email user with standard confirmation and new ref
  4. block email updates to old call

coping with classifications and anything else I've not thought of ;-) 99% I simply classify as a non-chargeable service request

Grateful if this could be injected into your release plans

Thanks, Dave.

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@Dave Read 

54 minutes ago, Dave Read said:

conversion of an Incident to a Service Request

Not the first time I see this but I'm afraid it won't happen, for many reasons ... "all the differences which may exist (business process aspects most importantly - this drives assignment, notifications, tasks, Service Levels etc)" (quote from https://community.hornbill.com/topic/9547-service-portal-customers-logging-incidents-instead-of-requests).

Perhaps the issues you highlighted above should be looked at from a different perspective:

54 minutes ago, Dave Read said:

staff are logging a high volume calls inappropriately as Incidents as that's the first item in the queue

May I ask why is this the case? Why is the staff logging requests inappropriately? Do they not know what to choose or ... ?

54 minutes ago, Dave Read said:

we take many requests that are far from broken items; folder permissioning, mobile device config, social service system requests, purchasing, New Users , website updates etc etc  (plus other directorates are on the Hornbill bandwaggon in a *big* way, but these are items we don't see)

Perhaps it would be worth seeing why the users (customers) are choosing to opt for logging a "broken item" incident instead of a "folder permission" (for example) service request? Does the portal not have this option presented for them?

You said "these are items we don't see" ... can you please explain this a bit more?


54 minutes ago, Dave Read said:

could there be a way to have an additional icon

  1. close Incident emailing user what's happening
  2. log service request copying salient
  3. email user with standard confirmation and new ref
  4. block email updates to old call

You can automate all the above actions via the business process which has the ability to automatically close the incident, raise a linked service request copying the incident details across (most of them), email the user from the newly raised service request and you can also prevent updates on the closed incident. All this can be automated.

But I come back to my above statements... perhaps it would be more beneficial to understand why the need for this in the first place as it might highlight potential areas for improvement in your logging process...

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