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MacLean Ferguson

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Posts posted by MacLean Ferguson

  1. As departments no longer have access to Allow Task Action can they be removed from the assign to groups in Human tasks?

    Below is an example from our system where one of those is a team and one is a department. If we end up assigning the department, then only the owner is able to clear the tasks since that right has been removed from the department. If the owner is on leave then we are unable to move the ticket along without accessing our Super Admin account.

  2. We lost access to requests in the mobile app. We end up with a blank screen. After reloading and clearing cache we get to an image of sad Harry but no error message. First reported on iOS but all of our testing and troubleshooting has shown the same behavior on both iOS and Android.

  3. We have a couple of services that we keep hidden. We are starting to run into an issue where customers lose access to their submitted tickets when they get converted to the hidden service. Is there a way to give customer access without making the service visible. 

    We are using these services for ticket types that need cross team access. For example we have one for our intranet site that needs access for our communications team and our IT team. We don't want to give support access to everyone in IT to our communications catalog or vice versa so when a ticket gets submitted the workflow has it change services to the hidden service so both teams have support access. We want this functionality without cluttering our ticket submission page with some of these mixed team services.

  4. We're trying to improve our tracking of our tier 2 support tracking. Right now our tier 2 teams have a lot of failed SLAs that may or may not have failed at tier 1. Right now our best thought is to raise a new ticket at each escalation but we don't want to flood too many tickets into our queues or have a customer trying to track progress over multiple tickets. Does anyone have something in place to help track response progress on team reassign? 

  5. We're looking to add decisions or update routing based on the time of day a ticket hits notification nodes. Specifically we want to know whether we're assigning a ticket round robin or leaving it unassigned and sending a message to our on-call phone. If we could have it check our Working Time Calendar that would be the most ideal so it would route to on-call for Holidays as well. Any direction/ suggestions are appreciated!

  6. Our maintenance team interacts almost exclusively with the Hornbill app and have run into a number of usability issues. I'll try to list them here in the order of impact for their work.

    Activities not accessible through Tickets

    The biggest issue is the inability to access their activities associated through a ticket. Having them completely separate makes it difficult for them to sort through which activity goes with which ticket, especially since there is some overlap in work taking away the workaround of assigning activities directly to each user.

    No I'm a Member View

    With the nature of their work having primary and secondary coverage is really important to their work. The app currently only has My Requests, All My Teams, All my Services, and their teams. It would be ideal to have custom views so we could make queues for all requests Assigned or a Member but at least having access to I'm a Member would be a huge improvement. 


    Load More hidden by Open/ Request

    With the amount our team is currently having to operate out of the full team queue, they are having a significant issue with the Load More button hiding behind the Open and Resolved buttons. When scrolling through pages one misclick and they have to start scrolling from the top of the list again. 


  7. We have a workflow with a Suspend set up as below.


    The goal is to have this ticket assign for an initial team for triage. Once that team assigns it the following Human Tasks assign to the new owner and an email goes out to the customer with the new owner's name. In practice this node is freezing all of the tickets at this node. No assignments or any action I have tried is able to pass this suspend. Am I misunderstanding/ misconfiguring this node? 


  8. We currently have our Hornbill emails flow through an OAuth2 mail connector. Currently, the account handling those emails is unable to have MFA enabled because it fails refresh and our emails stop going out. We don't have any issue with other OAuth2 connections just with the mailbox here. Has anyone else had success getting their mailbox configured with MFA?

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