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Posts posted by SJEaton

  1. Hi 

    As we all know, custom fields 26-30 are Integer fields. 

    I don't know about you, but we have only ever used maybe one of these in our ICs as there are very restricted rules around what an integer can be (i.e. you can't use it for telephone numbers), so we generally have these 5 custom fields un-used, yet we are crying out for more custom fields to use for other text-based fields.

    Is anyone else in the same situation?

    If the majority of customers don't use custom fields 26-30, then is 5 too many?  Maybe we could ask for a couple of these to be changed to text customer fields instead?  I'd be interested to hear people's views.




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  2. Hi

    I have a problem where an 'add connection' node isn't working.  The BPM in question has 2 of these nodes, one which works and one which doesn't.  Both nodes use a variable to get the contents of the IC question where the user is captured, but the difference is that the one that works uses a field that is a value, and the other is a custom field.  I've obtained the following guidance on a support call but I can't determine how to do this.

    I tried just grabbing the custom field variable but this didn't work either.

    Can anyone help?   Thanks


    image.png.4dbc41b7199f9b702a83d37fd752e2ad.png image.png.dada44b7dc744864236e3d812b65323b.png

  3. Hi

    We've been happily using this node in our New Joiner process for the past few weeks and its been working great, then this morning I have had 2 requests where this hasn't worked, i.e. the parent request resolves without waiting for its 2 x linked requests to resolve.

    There have been other requests raised that have been ok and the issue may lie with one linked request in particular but not sure how this can be?

    I've tried reconfiguring the linked request and I've re-booted the system but no luck. 

    Any assistance greatly appreciated as this error will stop us going live with this process.



  4. @Steve Giller so for scenarios where certain systems require a human task to generate rather than an email, how best might I present the sites that are relevant to the system access required in the task details so the task owner knows what sites to grant access to?  

    Ideally I would like to put the following in the task details but if I can't, is there another solution???

    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Basildon%' AND '{{.H_custom_l}}' LIKE '%Eden%') THEN 'Basildon'
    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Broomfield%' AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' LIKE '%Eden%') THEN 'Broomfield'


    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Southend%' AND '{{.H_custom_t}}' LIKE '%Eden%') THEN 'Southend'
  5. Hi @Steve Giller

    Scrap what I said earlier, I free'd up a custom field and decided to have a go at your suggestion instead.  I  made the custom fields as follows and then used the suggested expressions.

    Basildon - Custom_L
    Broomfield - Custom_O
    Southend - Custom_T



    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Basildon%' AND '{{.H_custom_l}}' LIKE '%INR Star%')


    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Broomfield%' AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' LIKE '%INR Star%')


    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Southend%' AND '{{.H_custom_t}}' LIKE '%INR Star%')

    On testing, all of these seem to be working! :D

    I shall therefore proceed with this approach for all relevant systems.

    Thanks again


  6. Hi Steve, I don't have any free custom fields left to fix a custom field for each site.  The IC is also very complex and at this late stage I don't want to be mucking about with it too much as we really do want to go out to pilot asap.  

    We have therefore made a decision to deal with this in the BPM for the time being, i.e. create separate email templates for each site access that generate based on a decision as to whether the system is selected with O or T being Basildon or not.

    We will then return to look at the potential for using the ESP Condition post Pilot.

    Thanks for your help.


  7. OK, I'll try and explain.

    The customer selects a primary site, and then is asked if they want access to any systems at other sites - this is custom k.  Depending on the primary site selected, custom k lists the other 2 sites, so yes a primary site of Basildon will give options for Broomfield or Southend.  Custom fields O and T are then for the relevant sites.  T is the first one listed in K and O is the second one listed in K.

    I'm therefore including all 3 ESP conditions in the email template and want them only to present based on what site is relevant for when INR Star is selected.

    All of what you are saying above is making me think that I can't achieve this in this way now due to how I have the questions set up in the IC 🤔.     

  8. 5 minutes ago, Steve Giller said:

    Why shouldn't it present 'Southend'?

    It shouldn't present Southend as INR Star wasn't selected in custom o, which is the question that is answered if Southend is selected in custom k.  INR Star was selected in custom t which is the question that is answered if Basildon is selected in custom k.

    The customer is basically asking for INR Star at Basildon, and Datix Q at Southend, so in the INR Star system access request email that generates, I'm only interested in pulling through Basildon.  There will be a Datix Q email that will need to present Southend once I get this sussed.   

    So what I'm after is:

    IF '{{.H_custom_k}}' CONTAINS '%Basildon%'  AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' CONTAINS 'INR Star' OR '{{.H_custom_t}}' CONTAINS 'INR Star' then present 'Basildon' in the email.

    IF '{{.H_custom_k}}' CONTAINS '%Southend%'  AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' CONTAINS 'INR Star' OR '{{.H_custom_t}}' CONTAINS 'INR Star' then present 'Southend' in the email.

    I tried to use CONTAINS but it didn't work.

    Maybe I'm trying to be too clever?


  9. Good morning @Steve Giller, this test output both values that where held in k as shown.  image.png.ebea6cabf931ad52f59febb8e5d1cddc.png

    INR Star was entered in custom t field when I selected Basildon. 


    I then selected Southend and entered Datix Q in custom o.


    This is shown in the custom fields as follows. 


    In this test, the email is only interested in INR Star so shouldn't present 'Southend'.  I have 3 expressions set up though so it seems it's now presenting all those that are in custom k. 


    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Basildon%' AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' = 'INR Star') OR ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Basildon%' AND '{{.H_custom_t}}' = 'INR Star')

    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Broomfield (Mid)%' AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' = 'INR Star') OR ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Broomfield (Mid)%' AND '{{.H_custom_t}}' = 'INR Star')

    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Southend%' AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' = 'INR Star') OR ('{{.H_custom_k}}' LIKE '%Southend%' AND '{{.H_custom_t}}' = 'INR Star')

    Maybe I need to approach this differently?


  10. I've got it set up for Southend too but that's exactly the same  

    ('{{.H_custom_k}}' = 'Southend' AND '{{.H_custom_o}}' = 'INR Star') OR ('{{.H_custom_k}}' = 'Southend' AND '{{.H_custom_t}}' = 'INR Star')


    In either instance, if there are 2 things in k it doesn't bring back anything

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