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Everything posted by Alex8000

  1. Hello all, We are running into an issue regarding the managing of the Timesheet Categories. A colleague manager of mine would like to change the assigned teams to a certain category I created. This is currently not possible. Will it be possible in the future for other people to change the categories and the people assigned to those categories for those they have not created themselves? Thank you, Alex
  2. Hi Ryan, We just got that update on our instance, this looks great! Thank you, Alex
  3. @cchana I'm sorry, could you explain what you mean with 'each action'? We would love to be able to have our analysts log time directly against a ticket. Is this possible yet? @gwynne how did you solve this?
  4. Hi Ryan, Thank you, that seems to have fixed that! After trying it this way I noticed h_fk_servicename in the h_itsm_requests table. I should have looked better before trying to do it the hard way... A simple WHERE h_fk_servicename = 'Swyx Hosted' would have sufficed. Thank you for looking into this, I will keep your solution in the back of my head when generating the other reports!
  5. Good Morning all, We hope to create a list of all requests which have tasks marked as billable for service 'X'. What I have so far allows us to create a list of tasks marked as billable for clients with a specific value within a custom organization field. For example: All requests with tasks marked as billable for every client whose organization has h_custom_8 = 'Swyx Hosted'. We would rather have the report look at the actual service instead of some custom organization field which may or may not be up-to-date. I figured I would just join h_itsm_servicesubscriptions (h_fk_subscriberid) with h_sys_organizations (h_organization_id). (and optionally h_itsm_servicesubscriptions (h_fk_serviceid) with h_itsm_services (h_pk_serviceid) for filtering on service name instead of service id.) When generating the report the system throws a general "Error occurred while executing generated querry" error. I think it has something to do with the joins, but have been stuck on this for a while and am open for suggestions! Thanks, Alex 1-swyx-hosted---alle-tickets.report.txt
  6. We will definitely be looking at this soon™.. What are your experiences so far?
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