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Email Routing BPM


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I'm working on implementing email routing. My starting point was to take our Incident Management BPM but I've found that the automated tasks  fail as per this error message.

Screengrab 5.PNG

This is the BPM I'm using. Really all I need it to do is set the category, priority and assign the request to the Engineering group but it always fails on the very first Automated Task.

Screengrab 4.PNG

I'm really hoping this is me being a dummy (again!)



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Hi James,

Yes, they are exactly the same as you've highlighted. Just to reiterate, if I delete the Suspend then the BPM errors on get request details.



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Hi @DougA

Looking at your BPM, there doesn't seem to be an issue with the way you have set it up - so I'd like to know exactly how you are testing this and generating this error message.
You have mentioned you are testing Email Routing - do you mean specifically logging new request automatically via email? Also is this BPM in use anywhere else i.e. is this a direct copy of the Incident Process (which I assume is working without any issues?)

My final query would be based on the line where you have mentioned "You would like this to be assigned direct to the engineers" - in that case, you could remove the "suspend" node and simply update the details and assign it to the relevant engineers team immediately.

Let me know if I have misunderstood anywhere - hopefully this may be something quick to fix!

Kind Regards


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Hi @bob_dickinson

This BPM is now unique to incoming email routing. I've removed the suspend and the error is still on the 1st task which is now the Get Request Details,ScreenGrab 6.PNG

I'm sending test emails to the support-hantsfire@live.hornbill.com  but when I try to view the created incident I get this error message.

Hope that helps!

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